
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-09 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]

All the talk, all the hype, a new billion dollar stadium, LMAO!!!

I guess Jessica Simpson wasn't Romeo's problem after all huh?
Romo had a horrible game, but it was not all bad. The giants had a handful of freakiishly lucky plays that made the diofference. I still have faith in the COWBOYS.
What does the NFL have in common with Brokeback Mountain ?










They both have Cowboys that suck !
LOL now thats funny


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Yeah they lost and that's all that matters-for this game.

But if Romo has a decent night they steamroll the Giants and everyone would be be saying they're the team to beat. I predict a good season for the Cowboys-we'll see who has the last laugh.
Yea, all the Boys need now is a quarterback.
Romo stunk the place up and they Giants still needed a boat load of luck to pull off a last second field goal win.
I mean come on, an interception that bounced off the Cowboy receivers heel ? And a touchdown that the Giants receiver fumbled while falling and it lands in his lap ?
Just based on team play, without any pure luck the Cowboys would have won by 14 or more.
>Yea, all the Boys need now
>is a quarterback.
>Romo stunk the place up and
>they Giants still needed a
>boat load of luck to
>pull off a last second
>field goal win.
>I mean come on, an interception
>that bounced off the Cowboy
>receivers heel ? And a
>touchdown that the Giants receiver
>fumbled while falling and it
>lands in his lap ?
>Just based on team play, without
>any pure luck the Cowboys
>would have won by 14
>or more. ....................................but they didn't!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-09 AT 09:09AM (MST)[p]And cbeard, if the queen had a set of balls, she'd be king!
Q: What do you call 47 people sitting around a TV watching the Playoffs?
A: The Dallas Cowboys

Q: How many players did the Cowboys dress for their last game?
A: 22. The rest dressed themselves.

Q: What's Jerry Jones' biggest concern?
A: Does bail money count against the salary cap?

Q: What do you call a drug ring in Dallas?
A: A huddle.

Q: Four Dallas Cowboys are in a car. Who's driving?
A: The police.

Q: Why can't Michael Irvin get into a huddle on the field anymore?
A: It is a parole violation for him to associate with known Felons.

I understand Chicago is trying to sign Michael Irvin. They got rid of the refrigerator and now they want a coke machine.

The Dallas newspapers reported yesterday that Texas Stadium is going to take out the artificial turf because the Cowboys play better on "grass".

The Dallas Cowboys adopted a new "Honor System".
Yes, your Honor, No, your Honor.

The Cowboys had a 8 and 8 season this year.
8 arrests, 8 convictions.

The Cowboys knew they had to do something for their defense, so they hired a new defensive coordinator; Johnny Cochran.

Q: What's the difference between a Cowboys fan and a baby?
A: Eventually the baby stops whining.

A woman in Dallas calls 911. When the officer answers the phone the woman is hysterical and tells the cop that a man has just broken into her home and she thinks he intends to rape her. The officer explain that they are just extremely busy at the moment and tells her "Just get the guy's jersey number and we'll get back to you."

If you think the season's done for the 'Boys at this point you haven't been around the NFL for long. You guys crow while you can but what's so funny is the fact that everybody far and wide is paying attention-whether to cheer or to gloat- because they're the Cowboys.

Check the TV ratings,BILLION plus dollar stadium, and $$$ value of the team.
Your team owner would trade with ol' Jerry in a heartbeat. And you know it!

Sort of like when someone buys about $6000 worth of European optics, a custom Lazzeroni rifle, a $300k motorhome and a new Ford diesel, with a Grizzly in the back; then goes out and shoots a forky........ Cash won't guarantee success.
I have watched enough NFL games to know that Tony Romo is not a very good QB. At least not when it comes down to crunch time.
>I have watched enough NFL games
>to know that Tony Romo
>is not a very good
>QB. At least not
>when it comes down to
>crunch time.

Ouch!!! the truth hurts!!!

I also know that T.O. has it right with what he said on twitter. The Cowboys do have a T.R. problem.
Romo "not a very good QB"??Give me a break.He has
one of the best (if not THE best) passer ratings over the past 3 years. At least 25 GMs and coaches would trade their QB for him-and you know it.

Yeah for sure he a'int a proven winner till he wins.But
you don't have to get stupid to make your point. A couple of Super Bowls and he's a hero. Remember John Elway? Brett Favre?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-09 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-09 AT 10:10?PM (MST)

What the hell does one of the best QB passer ratings do for you when you can't win a playoff game? Why would 25 GMs trade for a guy who continues to get crushed not by the other team, but by pressure? He has proven himself to be incompetent to win in the post season. And now that T.O. is gone, so is his chance of doing anything more than he has allready done in years past. Just a "stupid" persons oppinion though.
Fran Tarkington(1986 inducted), Jim Kelly(2002 inducted), Dan Marino(2005)hell... all in hall of fame! not one Super Bowl win but still great world class QB's and great men! Romo has nothing to be ashamed of by joining these fine men who also failed at greatness and immortality!
Bad carma sucks and so do hexs!!!

"He has proven himself to be incompetent to win in the postseason."


Only way you can say that is when his career is over. Newsflash-it ain't. I bet you'll be quiet as a mouse by the time it is.
Romeo will always CRACK under pressure! Post season pressure, winning the first game in the new stadium pressure, anytime the game requires him to step up and earn his money he fails!
I really wonder about his handling or cracking under pressure in every day situations ....wonder if he ever stepped up to "the plate" and performed (I guess Jessica know for sure!)!
Wouldn't be some thing if the Raiders won on Thanksgiven?

Just so some feelers don't get bent outta shape . . .

I picked the 'Boys to win the MNF matchup. In other words, they don't suck bad enuff not to be able to beat the Panthers.
You haters are funny. Base a guys whole season to come on one game. Pretty smart. Yep, Romo lost that one. 14 more to go. mtmuley
I'm NOT a Cowboys fan at all if for no more reason than I can't stand their owner! What a pompous POS! The Cowboys were the Team of the 80's. They were the "Golden Boys" of football for a long time. I think it's halarious every time they get their butts handed to them.

It's always an adventure!!!
haters? wtf... we are just making educated comments ...
we have facts and stat's.....sooooooooo!
its wonderful to see arrogant people toot their horn's only to say its our faults....or we hate because your team can't win the big games!! your team has problems and do not have a chance in hell.
But we all have dreams!

Jeez RACK, Must bug ya some if you are up at after 1:00 in the morning defending yourself. And you say a frickin football team has problems? Go Cowboys, even if I'm arrogant in my support. mtmuley
I work nights every day! (now Iam suppose to say a bad name but I won't!) so you can say your sorry any time and you were wrong!


Well they got the W last night over the 0-4 preseason and now 0-3 regular season Panthers.

Looks like its gonna be a long err maybe short season for Panther fans.
I sure have noticed over the years when my team sucks I get a laot of wood cut on Sundays lol

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