Cowboys win the Super Bowl.

Careful mtmuley....look what happened to the Patriots last year. Don't jinx your team before the season even starts!

>There's this team from Boston.......

When I think of Super Bowl winner Cowboys is a big no and same with that team from Boston.. I think they are done for a while.. But then there is this team from San Diego that will probably be mixin'n it up with the Colts for the AFC title.. Still undecided on the NFC team...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-08 AT 06:16AM (MST)[p]Well I certainly don't want Dallas to be in the mix but I don't think you can rule them out. I am still not sold on Romo though. He needs to convince me this year. Their biggest problem right now is they really don't have a second receiver. Patrick Crayton really is a 3rd or 4th but has stepped up - he could have a super year though and come up big time. Their defense also needs to tighten up at the corners, Roy Williams is getting old and slow, he definitely has lost a step.

You can't rule out the Patriots either. They are mad that they ruined perfection with three minutes left to go in the season. They really haven't lost anybody - especially Tom Brady - and their depth at any position is pretty incomparable, except maybe for San Diego.

San Diego is still an intriguing pick - they look to be the cream of the AFC West much to my Broncos' chagrin. However Norv Turner has never been a good head coach and they were pretty lost for the first half of the year. It took him 6 or 7 games before he figured out that LT was really as good as everybody thought and the key to success. That and it took the team a while to adjust to his system.

I think nochawk has it right though. The Colts did some rebuilding and adjusting last year and if they can get over the Patriots hurdle they will be in it.

Oh yeah and didn't the Giants win the Superbowl last year? Are we going to absolutely rule them out? I wouldn't...

That being said - GO BRONCOS!

Oh and watch out for the Round Rock Golden Tigers in the 9-10 year old Jr. League of the RRYFA! We drafted last night and have some horses up front a lot of speed and some hard hitters! Can't wait for the games to start!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-08 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]who cares it is the nfc lol j/k i like what the vikings did in the offseason but they have a unreliable qb cant rule out the giants but dallas is definantly the team to beat oh yeah i hope green bay falls flat on there face they deserve it after treating a legend like that go chiefs
Cowboys should also get a huge tax credit,
for keeping all those thugs out of correctional facilities.
Are you nuts. The Raiders are back, just watch tonight when they get that offense going, just a preview of what's to come. JUST WIN BABY!

Any questions?

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
I have to agree that the Chargers have to be a favorite at this point. I'd love to see them win it all, but until that team in Boston is eliminated, I think you have to consider them a favorite to win it all, more than just about any other team out there. The Patriots just got better on defense with the signing of John Lynch earlier today.

I certainly hope the Chargers have an awesome offensive season, since I have Phillip Rivers and LaDanian Tomlinson on my Monster Muleys fantasy football team. Go 'Bolts!
Grew up loving to watch the cowboys, but stopped with the acquistion of t.o. that made the transition complete from Americas team to Jerry's team. His continued quest for "win at all costs" hasn't changed my mind. Haven't watched them since.

Go Spurs GO


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
The cowboys will win the superbowl this year. Yes the cowboys do have a number 2 reciever, his name is Jason Witten IMO the best tight end in football. Dallas has to many weapons on offense and defense not to go all the way. The depth on that team is incredible. Time will tell!
Broncos? OK it's a long shot but give we are a playoff team this year. Next year or the year after super bowl contenders. I'm also a nuggets fan so dismiss everything I just said. Go Rockies!
the afc west is going to be the toughest divison in football in 2 years kc with the draft they had woohoo denver is going to be clicking with cutler and marshall and oakland with russel and mcfadden the chargers will still be contenders going to be interesting

go chiefs
I'm surprised no one has said anything about the Pats. I hope they don't even make the playoffs, but they are a pretty solid team. Didn't they just get Lynch too. Should be a fun year.
Go Saints!!
beat GB, NY Giants, 49ers(don' laugh to loud bout the 9er's) and you have a shot but you still have to beat the Saints or GB in playoff which you won't have a chance (being later in year.)
I am even lifting my Raider hex! Colts win everything in AFC with DOLPHINS my biggest surprise this year!!
hey anything can happen right?
I really doubt the fish are gonna have much of a season as much as id like them to. However i think the saints are the dark horse to win the bowl.


Wildlife population control specialist
FYI.............the Patriots have the easiest schedule of any team for like the last twenty years....... Brady has been hampered by a foot injury and has not played and did not practice today.......If you've been paying attention you'll notice whats behind him leaves something to be desired....If Tommy Gun stays healthy......PATS ROLL!
cowboy's get riddled buy homophobic reitcle and nose dive after a great start!
did you say patsy's?
did you watch the super bowl last year?
all the porn I ever seen did not have that much gagging going on!
and I had to left the raider hex because I got tired of hearing the gun shot rings out after every lost and figured if I didn't some of the guys a work that I kinda like might not make through another season even if it's .500 and I see the pictures of there kids on there tool boxes! makes me sad!
still like the saints (orland's need it bad) and green bay nfc champs not sure about afc need a week I like.........
Convicts are almost as good as the faiders !!! Da Bronc's!

Get your hunt on!!
tixs,lodging,for you
cruises,trips for her!
Cowboy's winning the Superbowl...maybe but they got to get past the teams like the Cardinals. One heck of a game yesterday. oh Yeah, I am glad my AZ Cardinals beat them Boy's. lol
Like I said before, as long as the cowgirls have Romo at QB, the girls won't ever make it out of the first round.
Tony Homo broke his pinky yesterday and is out four weeks. Boo Hoo, lets see how they do without him.
>Tony Homo broke his pinky yesterday
>and is out four weeks.
> Boo Hoo, lets see
>how they do without him.

Not BOBBLE BOY!!!! I'm heart broke! LOL!
Go broncos but, I believe that one of the Mannings will take it. I swear though, I'm getting sick of seeing those two in commercials. If I ever see a commercial with both of them in it I may just put a golf club through my television screen.
Well mtmuley, I guess if you had it to do over, you probably wouldn't have made such a bold prediction, would you?

They'll be lucky to finish .500 the way they're going.
They are so bad, there is a proposal in NFL headquarters to prohibit any of the Cowboys from even watching the Super Bowl on TV..........

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