Cowboys vs Steelers ??


Very Active Member
I don't think my 'boys can
hang with'em.

Supposed to be about 23 degree's
and snowing.

Shall see.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-08 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]Irv, Stay positive. The last four games are tough, but if the Cowboys get in the playoffs, they could be dangerous. mtmuley Oh yeah, a little prayer wouldn't hurt either. Thanks for the brass.
Game's just starting now.

Cowgirls are goin' DOWN.

Steel curtain defense is just too good.

I'm hoping TO get KO'ed.


What are those blue burrito wrapper things the coaches are wearing? Can't Jerry buy them some good cold weather gear?


I'D bet twenty!

You'd of won.

F'me a runnin.....

Fred. Jerry lives in TX.
He don't know what a real
coats supposed to look like.

Romo layed this one on the line.
sad situation.

HEEE HEE Rack, Maybe next Sunday night I could lay a wager, I don't see Dallas giving another game away for a while........
I am Dolphins fan 1st.........Raiders have a world class upset in them always , they play New England next week!
please still like me Innie Winnie Chile Beanie!
Hey Nuts, It was me, and I'll admit it too. It ain't over. I'm not a fair weather fan or a wagon jumper. Been a fan for about 40 years. mtmuley
I don't quite have 40 years vested but I'm right there with ya Muley...........
I'm a hardcore Steelers fan and that game disgusted me pretty much the whole way through. I'll be the first to say it....the Cowboys lost that game, the Steelers didn't win it. 5 Turnovers by Romo and Steelers only win by the last 2 a bad pass thrown by a pretty good quarterback? Sickening! The Steelers have some bigtime work in store with the Ravens coming up. THAT's that game to watch!

Im a hardcore Dallas fan, originally from Dallas. I almost put my remote through the TV on Sunday. What was even more heartbreaking is Im a big Witten fan. Just bought a signed jersey of his that was delivered to my house on Friday. I hate to say it, but I think Witten shoulders the blame for the pick.

I think the Boys have a huge hill to climb to get in the post season.
Ask the pats of last year......


"It dont mean a thing, if you cant win that ring!"
That means nothing. The Boys aren't last years Pats. IF they make the playoffs, it's wide open. I haven't given up yet. Like I tell my kid's, giving up is NOT an option. mtmuley

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