COWBOYS ARE GOING TO THE SHITZER ........................!



so how 'bout dem Cowboys?
they stink!!
superbowl bound? carma dudes...(just think I get to drive up inside for 12 weeks...lmfao) GO Saints, GO Broncos there deserve it!
Then again ats like raiders fans say "man your team kicked our butts" dude your team sucks!

Glad to see Marshall back in the game!
Mareno is a fast little dude!!
5 sacks on Romo by DB's defense, totally incredible game!!

My adrenalin is still pumping! Throw the ball at Champ when it counts, we like those odds.

Romo had his chance to send it to O.T. but FAILED!!!


Hey, it ain't the first time . . . and won't be the last.
Until Jerry Jones pulls his head out of his arse and hires a real GM, fires Wade Phillips, and Jason Garret, and hires a good young fire ball of a coach to kick those weanies' butts, they will continue to under-perform. But he won't, he will fire Phillips and we will get some re-tread like Shannahan, or Gruden, or Holmgren, and things will be the same.

Denver never stopped the run, why on Gods green earch does Garrett get so dang impatient and start throwing the ball to receivers that can't get open, and consequently having all this blame thrown on Romo. Romo has all kinds of time to throw, the receivers were not getting open. If he throws it and forces it, then picks happen and then he gets blamed for that!!! The guy has no chance.
It ain't about the Cowboys, it's about the Denver Broncos!!!
Romo threw towards Champ at the clutch moments!
What stupid?!
Go home, NFC boys!!!
Well they should start one of the cheerleaders in place of Romo then.

I believe that was Champ Bailey's first INT of the year. Why? Because he hasn't been thrown at all year. Romo just proved why.

Go Broncos defense!
Ill back him. And I will also say chump bailey is half the corner he used to be. Your Broncos will fade down the stretch,and Dallas will get better as the year goes on. Only time will tell!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-09 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]My Broncos are already better than anyone had expected them to be this season. The rest of the season is gravy. "Dallass was sauce for the goose".
Chump Bailey as you refer to him as, may be half the corner he used to be, but he sure outplayed the pile of shoe on the other team by intercepting his rotten throw to end the game. Now I am by no means a Donkey fan, but I will take that matchup all day long! So,good job "Chump" for helping to throw another L on the Cowgirls.
>Chump Bailey as you refer to
>him as, may be half
>the corner he used to
>be, but he sure outplayed
>the pile of shoe on
>the other team by intercepting
>his rotten throw to end
>the game. Now I
>am by no means a
>Donkey fan, but I will
>take that matchup all day
>long! So,good job "Chump"
>for helping to throw another
>L on the Cowgirls.

Chumps pick was early in the game, not at the end. If you watch the replay he should have been flagged in that final play. By the way, who do you root for? I will guess Philly as you seem to like running your mouth like an eagles fan.
Its all in fun dude, but bash away!
remember all you Bronco fans! not to get to thing to say were better than I expected and another to start to believe you may win it all...bad Carma look at Miami and Dallas!
Have fun with it though!


( subtle reference to the Cat )

I'm not too cocky. My hope for the bronc's in this 5 game roadtrip was 2 wins. The defense is very good and I hope the offence improves. I don't expect them to beat out San Diego for the conference title, but I hope they do.

I have to give you props on your guess that I am an Eagles fan, good work. I guess to A Cowboys fan, that has been somewhat of a sore spot the last few years. I am really not trying to run my mouth, just call it like I see it. Don't mean to offend, sorry azoutback.
Dallas will get back on their feet after this confidence booster this sunday. Then they will start doing good. But right now I could care less about football. I am way too much focused on all of my coming hunts. Then after all my hunts are over I will get back in to football. Good luck Cowboys.
I thought "The Cowboys are going to win the Superbowl!" Isn't that what one of our posters said a while back.

Spoken like a true fan....
Woooooooooo Baltimore beat the donkies like a cheap rug...bwahahahaha

FYI Dallas 5-2...;)

Hmmmmm. Going to the shitzer. We shall see. Tonite, I am a BIG Steelers fan. I also think the Broncos will fade. Kyle Orton? He's a proven winner. And you experts think Romo sucks. We shall see. mtmuley
Miles ####ing Austin!!!!!

Oh yeah, has Orton completed a pass to anyone other than the Steelers yet?????

I'm still waiting for .......?
What, exactly, are we going to see?

I actually thought you Dallas guys were about to change my mind.......nope, they still stink up the place.
Romo booty was pounded more than a cub scout at a Michael Jackson sleep over!

Let's see....traps completely shut for over a month. Then a (gasp!) loss. And the yuk-monkeys come back out.

You guys crack me up.

Hey cbeard, Did you notice a bunch of those guys are Bronco fans? The Broncos. The fade has begun in Denver. The Cowboys dropped a game, but still lead the division. mtmuley
Yeah reminds of that Dr. Suess book--- "Orton Hears A Who".

As in "Who dat I'm throwin'to?" or "Who dat coming around my blind side to knock my block off?" or "Who we gonna play next week-'cause I'm dreadin' it already!"

Not Today whipped the eagles ass 24-0 don't choke on it to much,next week will have the same results.
My reasons for not being a fan of the cowboys:

1. They should not be in the NFC east, but due to whining and
under the table exercises to play with the big market teams,
they were not geographically realigned when the others were.

2. What would it be like to watch a cowboys game on TV, and you
did'nt have to see Jerry Jones's face every 5 minutes.
true, true!
he high on himself!(probably sniffs his own undies)!

Say what you want haters. They are peaking at the right time and are currently the hottest team in the NFC. They have outscored there opponents 65-17 in the last three games. They are in for a very tough game on Saturday night. May the better team win.

This thread is a classic example of why you don't count eggs before they hatch.

The Bronco fans that were in here counting out the Cowboys are hurting now. Lucky for them, they have very short memories and will be talking about the Super Bowl next September.

Having said that, it is no fun to wait until the end of the season to talk trash.
Remember what I said about a LONG SEASON boys? Too bad it wasn't over at 6 games huh? All you football "experts" need to study the game more. Can't even fault Romo right now. I anticipate a way different Philly team next Saturday. Should be a great game, and I enjoy that, no matter who's playing. Hey Rack, C'mon Man!!!! mtmuley
I have them Cowboys right where I want them!
Vikings are not pushover in "there" dome!
If flags fly the Cowboys die!(I know..I know pretty good huh?)I saw a defensive hold and hands to the face every play from a Cowboys down linesman...official's sucked! try that crap against Loadholt or Sullivan...and its not like they played each other last week!
How does Viking offensive line match up against Big D's no blitz Defense line?
just razzing you boy fans before your next big test....let build it up!!! I still have an ACE up my sleeve!...

The "BOYS" smacked Mcnabb around like a rag doll. Farve is dead meat. They?ll be carrying him off on a stretcher, 1st quarter.

Cowboys 31
Vikings 10

The point is it's your post that's gone to the shitzer.Why can't you just admit you were wrong instead of trying to act like if the Cowboys don't win the Superbowl you have made some sort of point?

(Which they might,by the way.:))
The test is next week. GO Vikes

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
as much as i hate to say it ,,,,, it looks like they just might be finally coming together at the right time,,,,,, :) i'd say vikes are in big trouble can the boys beat the saints?
The Vikings O line against the Cowboys D???? One of the mismatches. I like the Cowboys chances. The "Dome"? Remember New Orleans? Good game coming up. The Super Bowl???? I'ts in reach. Going to the shitzer . Now THAT was funny!!!!! mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-10 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]happy to see you guys supporting your team...and the Jimmys toy boyz are rolling however winning 1 playoff game in 14 years don't mean much except you play one more week...
I still have a "ACE" up my sleeve!

>as much as i hate to
>say it ,,,,, it looks
>like they just might be
>finally coming together at the
>right time,,,,,, :) i'd
>say vikes are in big
>can the boys beat the

Uhhh, yeah.
Watch out that old man QB just might have a good game or two left in that arm and just maybe AP will run that ball like he did at the start of the season and that D line gets it going against the Dallas O line and it sack city for Jared and company.Weak spot Linebackers LOL. GO VIKING

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Jerry Jones just got a new personalized license plate -


"There's Always Next Year"

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The Cowboys actually had a very good year, way better than i thought they would. Might not satisfy Mr. Jones though. Look for that Nut Case owner to be shopping for another coach...

hey ROY I bet his plate would say WTFIGKS..."WTF I'M GONNA KILL SOMEONE"..

Them cowboys is like the redbirds done!I could see Jerry Jones getting ready to fire Wade on the sidelines..... to make a statement about his control. I'm sure the cowboys will be looking for another coach when what they really need is a new owner.

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