Cowboy Hater's........

Howdy Laro!
I like Cowboys!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Okay here is what I think. Cowboys win the conference but Rackmaster blows up the team plane to end not only the season but the whole franchise.
How the Hell can anyone with any sense
dispute that ??

I can't really argue with that.

And to think, Jerry got his rotater'cup
taken care of this week...

I think that's as likely as anything.

If they win the SB mtmuley and I are gonna post a "We told you so" thread every day for a year!

Well the real problem with the team is Jerry, but other than that, if Romo doesn't blow up and Dez Bryant looks like he did at OK State and Roy Williams can balance things out and keep his ego in check - I don't know, things don't look too bad for the 'Boys. And Larry you need to know just how much it pains me to say that! See I was raised to do 2 things - Love God and hate the Cowboys - and I do both pretty well!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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