Cow from Canada!!!!

I saw that and they are looking for sixty more that came with it . I'm with Kingfish on this one. Do you suppose they will find the others who knows.

LOL! BLAME CANADA EH? That seem's like the classic move lately. No facts have been shown yet that this cow actually came from Canada, but the Press has jumped right on the bandwagon pointing the finger without the proof. They did the same thing the first few days after Sept 11th. It was all Canada's fault remember. And since we've been the Classic Little Brother we continue to let ourselves be the scapegoat.
The one thing about this whole mess with BSE is that our cows and your cows flow back and forth accross the border so many times in their lives because of the nature of the industry, a cow could be born in the US shipped to Canada for a couple of years, back to the US for a year and then back to Canada and so on. That is the nature of the beast. It will take a while to really figure out where this this actually picked up BSE. But it is cool to seem some things never change like blaming Canada. LOL!
LIKE... DRINK a beer, EH ?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Damn canucks and their filthy diseased stock animals. Feeling kinda woozy here just had a hamburger god dammit now i am MAD.
thanks hosers !!!

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