Couture vs. Lesnar

I will be with some friends watching, have to stay up late on the east coast!

Hard to pick a winner, real tough call.

I'll be pulling for Couture :)
Couture will win this fight. He'll have a bit of a hard time winning the dirty boxing on the fence though. He won't knock Lesnar'll be a "Mir" type of fight. Randy will have to submit him somehow. Who knows, maybe it goes the distance.

I'm looking forward to the KenFlo fight. Joe Daddy can't hang with Kenny.

I think this could be a nightmare for the UFC. If Couture wins, I think he will due to Brock's lack of experience, then what for Brock? I think they are bringing him along to fast. Look at the Mir fight. Due to his lack of ring time, he went from dominating to losing in the blink of an eye. Could happen in any fight but his odds are so much worse. He should have just sat down with Mir and he would have been fine but he just did not know. The Natural is the man no matter win or lose but for Brock, the upside is millions if he wins but I think a huge question if he loses.
I can't see why Lesnar is getting a title shot? What does it take to become the number one contender or does Dana White pick title fights based upon how much revenue it can generate?

I watched Lesnar/Herring and aside from one good punch, Lesnar just rode Herring to get a decision, jumped up laughing and pointing at him.....I hope Randy kicks his giant a$$. What's going to happen if Lesnar wins?

Is Uriah Faber in the UFC now? Who beat him? That kid is a handfull.
Urijah is in the WEC which is owned by the UFC. The UFC does not have his weight class so he is the face of that org. I agree, that kid is a stud and I was very surprised to see him lose.

I'm not very excited to see this fight Saturday night. Seems like a money maker more than a fighter who has put in their time and won fights to challenge for a belt. He has 3 professional MMA fights.

Personally, I am excited about the Penn/St.Pierre fight. That is going to be an epic fight!!!!!
I agree as well shouldnt the fight be Nogueira vs. Couture since Nogueira won the belt when Couture vacated it? Then Mir should face the winner. Not Lesner getting a title shot when he has a 1-1 record in the ufc. I've never understood how the ufc does there rankings, or decides who gets a title shot. Anyways go Couture!!
>I agree as well shouldnt the
>fight be Nogueira vs. Couture
>since Nogueira won the belt
>when Couture vacated it? Then
>Mir should face the winner.
>Not Lesner getting a title
>shot when he has a
>1-1 record in the ufc.
>I've never understood how the
>ufc does there rankings, or
>decides who gets a title
>shot. Anyways go Couture!!

The Ultimate Fighter tv show was filmed last may and June, and randy didn't announce his comeback until after the filming was finished. This created a logjam at the top of the HW class and they needed to be able to make sure that the winner of Noguira/Mir at least had a shot at the title. If Randy had not come back it would be a title fight.

No doubt Couture is about as good as it gets when it comes to heart, training, commentating, being a role model, ect. The guy is great. I just think his style is a little boring to watch.

I won't be forking out the cash for this one. Lesnar has a couple fights in the UFC and all of a sudden he a headliner? All of that being said, he'll probably beat Couture and that could possibly set up Lesnar vs. Fedor. I would definately pay money for that!

I hope Couture wins in big fashion. Great Guy.......
Randy is my favorite fighter so I'm pretty pumped he's back. Brock is straight forward, not much side to side or angles so I expect Randy to take advantage as well he's patient. As long as Randy doesn't get caught with one of those heavy hands which I don't think he will , Randy is going to take Brock into deep water and drown his big a$$.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-08 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]I think it will go the distance with randy being the winner i dont think brock has put in the time to be a #1 contender but thats just my opinion the heavy wieght division isnt stacked like the rest of them i think Cheick Kongo should of been the #1 contender
Hey Brandon- You did a hell of a job photoshopping Lesnars face on my body!!!! As you all can tell, I'M RIPPED!!!!

The fight ended the way i thought and hoped is would. Lesnar is an animal and will be a force in the heavy weight division for a long time comin. Couture is a class guy but time to give some new blood some credit.
man i heted seeing couture go down like that, but whata giant he was up against!!

Even though he got beat, he is still the classiest fighter in the entire UFC, never bashes his opponents no matter what.

BJ Penn......i sure hope that POS gets humbled in December!!


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