Couples pictures...


Long Time Member
Come on fellas show us your mug along with your woman...Don't be shy. I'll start this mess....

Thanks buddy I needed a laugh.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Truth be told, someday I hope that is me and the mrs letting er all hang out thumbing or noses and other things, at society doing whatever we dang well please enjoying ourselves.
Nice kingfish!

Quite a Tan!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
This was in Vegas (duh) for my B-Day a year or two ago. My wife is 38 but looks like she's about 28. I'm lucky to have her.


I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 03:18PM (MST)[p]"is that portage glacier ?"

No, Mendenhall (in Juneau). A little more than 1 mile from the USFS visitors center. Lake was frozen solid. Some folks fell thru the ice the day after we were out there, but they got too close to the face.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]nvnative79 asked me to post these pictures for him. I am hesitant to just toss a friend to the wolves like this but he asked. :)

Ryan (nvnative79) and his wife Jolene are stand up folks.




Thanks NVBighorn for posting the pictures.

A little info on my family. I've been married for 6 years and together for 8 1/2. We have two kids Courtney 3 and John 6 months. She is a stay at home mom. I am the luckest guy alive she lets me go hunting when ever I want and also enjoys hunting herself.
Well lucky for you guys, we just got family pics made Sunday. I should have them by Friday so I will get them up asap cuz I know y'all are dieing to see stinkys beautiful face! :)

Nice pics, guys...well, except for feleno's--I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that... ;-)

"One of these things doesn't belong here" but one is actually my wife for the past 25-years...

Here's a photo of my wife and I with our youngest hiding behind me in the pack.

Here's another with my family
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 11:36PM (MST)[p]


Me and the little lady playing down in Vegas .
>Since my wife is now 8
>months pregnant with our 3rd..and
>our FIRST boy...I had to
>post this one from Christmas
DSC_1387.jpg your photographer from the rez??

Well FLEH!

You know what happens when you work out of town!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
LOL...Whoops...I tried to resize it...and it looks like it did NOT work..and I have not been on all day.

Bop...she said it snowed today and she wondered when you were coming to plow the snow? LMAO!
>LOL...Whoops...I tried to resize it...and it
>looks like it did NOT
>work..and I have not been
>on all day.
>Bop...she said it snowed today and
>she wondered when you were
>coming to plow the snow?

Small pic is OK, Jason, as nobody wants to see your mug anyway. Just give us a picture of Ashley and the kids. ;-)
2lumpy, Congrats on a great looking family!!!! Do you play Santa for the little ones?? I mean the gray hair and beard!!
You shoulda told her she didn't need to lift the dress to show "a little leg" you can see leg on top of her feet.

Those are Cankles to the extreme.

Nice teeth too Aaron you could eat corn on the cob with a football helmet on.

Me and Stinky with our 2 oldest kiddos, Clay and Talyah


Me and him with his colorado buck


Great post QTPIE!! The rest of you guy's on this site are telling me you aren't proud enough of your woman to post you and her woman?? Too bad. I'm sure there are some great couples out there!! It sure would be fun to see you all....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]kingfish, I'll bet your girlfriend digs it when you refer to her in public as "my woman". Bet your first wife did too. ;-) If I ever refer to my wife as "mah woman" I'll kick my own a$$.
Not sure what your point is but if your thinking I'm being disrespectfull you couldn't be more wrong. " My woman " loves being my woman as I love being "her man". Where did I ever say Mah woman??? Sounds to me like your wife would probably kick your a$$ for ya!! (wink)
Hey kingfish............ Don't ya just wanna sink some "horse teeth" into nv every once in a while?

Sorry tayhot I couldn't resist. When you quit laughing text me!
Rofl stinky!!!

+1 kingfish......I don't think its disrespectful or anything else....not if you actually like who you are married to anyways. Maybe that would explain nv's wifes reaction if he were to put any kinda label on his wife...other then "my wife"...

Sorry kingfish, just having a little fun. The "mah woman" was creative license. I just thought it sounded a little like ownership, like a possession, something you control. My bad. It's a fine distinction I make because I know that no man ever "owns" a woman, at least not if she has a spine, some dignity and self respect. The fact that stinky I and stinky II jumped on only minutes apart should make you extremely happy. It also lends credence to my point.
Oh nv, stinky just used your were a just an excuse to send a secret message to tayhot....

I, on the otherhand, was directing my comment to you...mainly because you are so fun to aggitate and when im bored and sitting in a dr office with my sick kids, i browse mm...Im not sure how the fact that stinky and i chimed in moments apart lends any credence to any point you were making, but if you think there is a connection the roll with it buddy.

As for being owned, heck ya im "owned"!! You should see the diamond collar and handcuffs he has for me!!!! LMAO!!

Really just saying a woman does not mind belonging to a man that is worth belonging to. And though you may not think much of him, he is 1 in a million, a diamond in the rough (ok, really rough, according to some of you) and i would not trade him for all the money in the world... so call me spineless, lacking of any dignity, or self respect. You do not know me, and if you did you might think twice about saying such stuff :)

BTW: how come you said sorry to kingfish and you never say sorry to me and beginning to think you really dont like us :-(

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
UGGHHHH stupid stinky, freakin sign off!!!! ROFLMAO Sorry all the stuff above was from me....QTIP
It's all in fun no offense taken. I have a sign right above my desk that say's "Remember you have to be someone to hurt my feelings" good fun folks....
Oh stinky II, to paraphrase kingfish's sign, you'd have to be somebody to agitate me. :)

I'm not sure how old you are but I'm thinking you may have still been $hittin yellow when I started "owning my woman". I think I may know a little about it.

As for saying I'm sorry to kingfish, he's a good guy. Didn't mean to start a feud.

You say stinky is "one in a million". That scares the hell outta me. Why you ask? Think about it, do the math (or have stinky do it). There are something like 6.6 billion people in the world. If stinky is one in a million then there are 6,600 more out there just like him.

Did I say YOU were spineless? I don't think so. You're making that connection. And as for lending credence, don't lay awake tonight thinking about it. Really, it's no big deal. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]Oh nv, but i am somebody and i obviously aggitate you, whether you want to admit it or not. If i didnt, you would not feel the need to respond....And thank you, for confirming what i always are a bitter grouchy old fart! HAHA!

So, by stating that kingfish is a good guy and thats why you said you were sorry....are you "implying" that im a not a "good guy" (obviously im a girl)and therefore unworthy of an apology????? or am i just making another "connection"? The only thing i agree with you on, is that either way its really no big deal and don't flatter yourself...if im awake at night it is certainly NOT because im thinking of you (in any manner)!

oh, and if your gonna make implications, then next time atleast have the balls to admit it :)

That is all.


We're in Little Dominguez Canyon, just west of the Gunnison River, unit 62. Lots of petroglyphs down low and a few Desert Bighorn too. The picture is actually about 4 years old.
These are my two daughters. Please excuse the ugly guy in the middle. As long as we are posting family I thought I would post my girls. Keep the comments clean fellas.....

2009 Christmas Photo

2008 Colorado Buck

Backpacking the Northern Utah Mountains

Utah Trophy

Kingfish's picture. See KF I'm not such a bad guy, but you have a lot of guts posting this pic for these animals.

>Kingfish's picture. See KF I'm not
>such a bad guy, but
>you have a lot of
>guts posting this pic for
>these animals.

wow nice!
NVbighorn, Thanks bud I'm a very proud dad. These are two very good girls. Too bad I'm in it but you got to take the good with the bad. Amy my oldest on the left (22) Kelly on the right (21)be nice fellas...

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