Couple B zone bucks...




We took 2 more small 3x3's...
Stormy weather made opening weekend tuff...(never needed to go into wilderness)2 more and then our group tags out.. these were preseason patterned and I chased them around during archery season! "new honey hole"... nick named "Booner Factory" there's
a nice fat 4x5 still up there and a few Bear's also...
Duck season starts soon...
We will do Tule Lake opener then REFUGES, and rice blinds til end of January..
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-13 AT 04:49PM (MST)[p]That's getting it done. Nice bucks, Congrats!!

Smack, did you ever post up last years bucks... was it Utah and Nevada?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I took my son and friends son on a few Jr hunts there before and they got tired of pulling the trigger... lol
(too there defense they shot 3.5" 12ga.(their not small boys,19 now and 6'3" and 280 )....
he to wrapped up in school and kitty's for hunting now!
Just in case you didn't know, all those federal refuges are closed due to the "shutdown". We drew for Modoc this weekend... sucks.
Good job smack! I was on the western edge of the wilderness for the opener and was hoping you weren't in there getting pounded by the weather. That would have been miserable. Fire restrictions got lifted:)


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