Country Music, have a listen...



I know a lot of us on here love our country music. Well, I have been writing my own songs for the past 5 years and 4 months ago I decided I needed to make a demo of some of my songs. And since you guys tell it how it is, I'd sure like to get some of your opinions, good or bad. Thanks guys, I hope you like them. And if not, go $#@* yourselves... JUST KIDDING!

Seriously, thanks for listening...
Not too bad dude! I liked The concept behind "Broken" and "Weekend Cowboy" is a fun song. Have known many a dude just like that. I thought "My Kind of Country" was good but has been done about 10 times in the last few years. Who knows though, that one might just be your biggest hit. The industry seems to like to tell the same story over and over again, and its all about selling records, so if they think it will sell records and they decide to market it it might work. "Scars" is good too, its all about telling a story and it does. "I Want My Girl Back" is a great country tune - good concept behind it too.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You have possibilities, but you are just not quite there yet!
IMO you need to show a wider range of vocals. Have/are you taking any vocal lessons?
You seem to have a strong voice.
Thanks for the quick responses. Your honesty is much appreciated. I'm actually not singing them. I had a buddy of mine sing them. Unfortanetly I was born with a horrible voice. So I don't plan on being a country music artist, just a songwriter. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I will be heading to Nashville, always been a dream of mine.

I am more than pleased on the way he sang my songs. But it was hard for him to sing Weekend Cowboy, it just wasnt fit for his voice.

Thanks again guys
I think you have a future in songwriting, I like the way the songs are put to together and how they flow to the next part.
You get a Big name singing a couple of these songs and you will have a huge hit with the right voice singing.IMO
The guy singing isn't half bad, I could listen to him singing.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Really not to darn bad. Your songs are alot better then half of the gay crap they play on country stations. I think you could do well for yourself
Dial 911! i was misinformed and besides, it was Bush's fault that he made me lie about....... I am so confused!!!!!
Good stuff good luck but how do you get that kind of inspiration living in Tempe?

I get that question a lot. Even though I was born and raised in Tempe I always had some country in me. Growing up I always loved going camping, hunting, fishing. My parents both came from the same small town in Iowa and I think I got a lot of my country from them. And the inspiration comes from the places I've been and the people I've met. It's memories from my childhood, working up in Montana for a year, going back to Iowa and working on the family farm, and everything in between that sparks my inspiration.

It's funny, I wrote a song called "Just cause I live in the city, don't mean I aint country"

Thanks for listening
I like the Weekend Cowboy song the best (all are quality songs) but if that was on the radio, you would be singing to a good portion of the country listeners these days. I use to listen to country music a lot back in the 80s and 90s when it was much better than the crap you here these days. Your music is not crap and I think with a full band and a good studio, these songs will sound great. Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-10 AT 05:34AM (MST)[p]I love Country music and I love how Country people take a stand. Back when the Dixie Chicks bashed Bush for going to war the Country music people kind of quit listening to them and they faded away. When Country singers come "out of the closet" and tell the world of thier gay sexual preference those singers careers kinda "fade away."
Well I'm country and dang proud of it!!!!! Huntcamman, keep up the good work and make us proud! fatrooster.

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