


I've got a couple of them going.

1 more day of work, until my 7 off starts.

2 days until my office takes away internet access to all of us
(which will cut me out of MM 98% of the time)

3 days until i hike into camp.

5 days until i'm hunting!

6 days until i find someone to post pictures for me.*

*-not trying to count chicken before they hatch, just saying i might have some great pictures of some rear ends running away real fast you might wanna see!

tag, see you on the mountain!

Well, my mountain is in Kali and yours is in Utard, but you get the idea.:)

No more internet at work? Look at how many more lives will be saved!:) j/k

Good luck, can't wait for picks!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-09 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p]I'll be taking a bunch of ya'll up there with me. and hoping for a lot more of your good success on your hunts. I'll be able to access every now and then from friends and families 'puters, and i'll post as often as i can, with pics of course! more lives will be saved....cause i'm pissed that my boss seems to think she runs a daycare center....and i'm taking it out on the patients!!! j/k about the taking it out on the patients part.

There is only one countdown that counts! (Though the loss of internet access sucks the big one!)

Remember -

200 inches 200 inches 200 inches 200 inches 200 inches... don't lose focus!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
#2 blows, hope that never happens here.

Good luck, can't wait to see the pics.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
Three cheers for the rear end pictures...


Tag, last time I upgraded my cell phone I switched to a 3G BlackBerry. Internet service with the package is about $29.00 per month. Most of the day I'm in a controlled engineering lab where everything not part of the internal intranet is blocked. But I can google and surf using the phone. Takes a while to get use to and everytime boobcat posts it takes a while to scroll past his sig But it works, also allows connection to e-mail etc.
>2 days until my office takes
>away internet access to all
>of us
>(which will cut me out of
>MM 98% of the time)

Those bastages!!! They really know how to hurt a guy!
You have my sympathy's Tag..

Thanks guys, i have the unlimited internet on my POS phone, and will be upgrading to a device that might be easier to work than what i have now.

Until then Keep your face into the wind, your cigarettes lit, a beer in one hand, images of white tails in your mind, while at full draw on a Muley, and everything will be ok!

This for sure isn't the last of me! kant keep a killer klown down!

3 more days, I'll be at the, "Gay Sportsman's For Obama" conference, in SFO this weekend.
All you hunks are invited!
Remember, it's Guy's-Night, every night.
See you all there!
Got it....PM sent in return....

just so its clear, i aint gone for good, but the days of spending hours and hours "researching" the art of hunting , and making fun of some of the idiotic things that come up in here are gone. But i will be making a point of it to get to a computer at least once a month(hopefully more),

gonna miss the CHATZY everyday too....ah hell, i'm gonna cry...

And we will miss you too. Do the Phone thing and good luck up on the hill.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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