Couldn't have said it better...


Long Time Member
I was reading "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman" by Teddy Roosevelt the other day (I know it's hard to believe but yes I can read) and I came across this passage. I thought wow, I could not have put my feelings about elk hunting any better than President Roosevelt did. I hope you can appreciate it as much as I did.

"No sportsman can ever feel much keener pleasure and self-satisfaction than when, after a successful stalk and good shot, he walks up to a grand elk lying dead in the cool shade of the great evergreens, and looks at the massive and yet finely moulded form, and at the mighty antlerswhich are to serve in the future as the trophy and proof of his successful skill. Still-hunting the elk on the mountains is as noble a kind of sport as can well be imagined; there is nothing more pleasant and enjoyable, and at the same time it demands that the hunter shall bring into play many manly qualities. There have been few days of my hunting life that were so full of unalloyed happiness as were those spent on the Bighorn (Wasatch, Manti, Dutton, etc.)range. From morning tillnight I was on foot, in cool, bracing air, now moving silently through the vast, melancholy pine forests, now treading the brink of high, rocky precipices, always amid the most grand and beautiful scenery; and always after as noble and lordly game as is to be found in the Western world." President Theadore Roosevelt 1885

It's always an adventure!!!
Obviously Teddy Roosevelt got it ! I have not read that before but I know I could not have said it any better. Thanks for sharing.
Wow Jim! You've come a long way from the "Billy Bob teeth" shot placement seminar I first met you at. (Snake River)
Stick and string in the Elk woods... aint nothin better!!
Now that was well put I must say....and I agree with you AWLB, couldn't have said it better either. I'm still waiting to walk up on a bull that I've shot,....been twice with a stick and string but no cigar yet. Good luck to you all!
Teddy had a way of putting hunting into words. I like his opinion on the hunting of whitetails vs. mule deer:

"...and so, though to kill a white-tail is rather more difficult than to kill a black-tail [mule deer], yet the chase of the latter is certainly the nobler form of sport, for it calls into play, and either develops or implies the presence of, much more manly qualities than does the other."

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