Cougar News

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
I just had someone drop me off an article from the Statesman Journal about cougars. Title of article is; Study: Cougars essential to balanced system. By: Stefanie Knowlton [email protected] or 503-399-6735

The article talks about the cougar study awhile back by Bill Ripple of OSU. Below the article is a few paragraphs about the ?Latest predator study?. It goes on by saying that wolves and cougars are disappearing throughout the world; which is allowing coyote populations to go uncheck (Published this month in ?BioScience?). The article makes it sound like we need higher cougar and wolf populations everywhere to save our ecosystem all the way to plant and butterflies.

I would agree to this when it comes to National Parks that have so many tourist it pushes top predators (cougars in Zion National Park) out and let ungulate populations explode and cause severe damage to the environment. I do not believe that is even the case worldwide like they lead readers to believe. I support Oregon?s cougar and wolf management plans; but not letting cougar populations to continue to grow.

The article said Bill Ripple declined to comment on ODFW cougar management plan. The next paragraph then quoted him saying ?I think the studies speak for themselves?.

Bill Ripple will be speaking how the decline of the cougar has a cascading effect on the ecosystem in Salem on Thursday the 22nd at 7pm. Here is the information of the lecture.

Loucks Auditorium
Salem Public Libarary
585 Liberty St. SE, Salem

Here is another cougar article in the paper.
Do you know the guy? Is he against hunting, or hunting opportunities for deer/elk?? I guess I wonder what his agenda is. Thanks for sharing.
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