COTD 2/27/09


Very Active Member
Seen here is on-site firefighter Ollie Balzerhangun at Holland's Cloggin Nudist Prison attempting to subdue a "flame up"
The only caption I could think of was....

"Ground breaking News" FDA just anounced the product MUSCLE MILK has been linked to arson, crossdressing, flashbacks of highscool football and Baseball as well as an affinity for the Wizard of OZ"
"Due to the poor economy the special effects budget for the new Terminator 4 movie had to be drasticly cut. Unfortunatly Arnolds personal trainer was also lost due to budget cuts."
"Shortly after his wife left him, Rackmaster embarked on a new career as a superhero he called "The Flamer." Not until then did everyone truly realize that what she had been saying all along was indeed true."

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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