COTD 05/16/2010


Long Time Member

Roy hunting in the "Road Closed" area again.
Pretty low Eel! Pretty low.

Here's mine -

"Eelgrass' early attempt at "milking" a bull turtle for what he claims are "purely scientific" purposes. Apparently he found an old indian remedy for ED/PME.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I call BS. High Fence for sure. Next we will probably hear how he had to dive naked to retrive it and it bit off his one eyed winky.

Fine shot by Roy!
TTK shot at it several times,but Roy moved in Quickly for the braggin rights(kill shot)
He hit it so hard the big Bull Tortoise went Teats up!
Oh did he mention? This Tortoise was running full speed quartering away when he made the awesome shot.
He tried to convince TTK that she'd wounded it first but she just wasn't buyin it & Roy had to Punch his tag & his fun was done!
Playing possum!! Supposedly they never saw that man again or the camera man either....Kinda like the grizzly man. All they found was a video camera. RIP Turtle Slayer, RIP!!

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