Costa Rica Fishing Advice?



LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]I am going to Costa Rica for my honeymoon in November. The reason I picked Costa was due to my desire to catch Rainbow Bass and billfish. I have the accomodations booked already, now its time to find a reputable guide to take us on a fishing adventure. We have around 5 days set aside to fish. Does anyone on here have any advice for guides? Do's and dont's? Any help would be appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]Where are you staying in Costa Rica? Most of the billfishing is on the Pacific side. Check out the lodges around Crocodile Bay and you'll find lots of options.

As for peacock bass, are you sure you don't mean roosterfish? The pacific side of Costa Rica has outstanding fishing for roosters, but I'm not aware of any peacock bass fishing there.
Oh man you are in for some real trouble if you don't speak the language. You'd better hire me as a translator. I will only charge room and board, tackle and licensing expenses, taxidermy fees and the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper. I will glady escort your guide to the fishing sites free of charge while you and the wifey honeymoon (you are not really going to be fishing all that time are you?!!). PM me with the details and I will free my schedule.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I will have to start looking at guides on the Pacific side. I meant Rainbow Bass rather than Peacock Bass. Have yet to catch either.

I speak enough spanglish to get by. Someone told me to just find a kid if you need a translator. Apparantly they all learn english from Micheal Jacksons Thriller Album. EEEEEeee HEEEeee!! Thanks though.

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