COSA's NV desert sheep


Very Active Member
Here's a pic of COSA's 2003 NV sheep. Hopefully he's got a story to go with it. Sorry it took me so long to post, COSA.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-05 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-05 AT 07:34?PM (MST)

I posted some hunting pics and a story back in November of 2003, I couldn't find it so I don't mind telling the story again.

After drawing the tag I made about 10 scouting trips over the summer/fall. I also recieved some help from some MM members. Saw some sheep even though it was very hot, but mainly learned my way around the unit and the water sources. My Dad and I arrived 3 days early and found a really nice bunch of 7 rams. Opening morning we were riding are quads(on the road) to our glassing spot and we jump a about 20 ewes and immature rams. We're glass them for about 30 seconds before I notice the rams heading up a steep side caynon about 250 yds away. In the cluster that followed I missed a really nice ram at about 350 yds. After I shot I noticed a bigger ram, but was unable to shoot because I was not sure if I hit the first one. After checking for a hit, we watched the all the sheep climb up and over a mountain. We circled around and my buddy and I started climbing. About a mile later we spotted the whole band bedded on a open hill. We ran out of cover at 450 yds. The big ram was bedded with a bunch of ewes & lambs next to him. With a hard crosswind I elected to pass and try and sneek across an open wash which was not successful and scared the sheep out of the country. The second day I searched for the same bunch from dawn till dusk and did not even see a single sheep. The third morning I headed to a completly different part of the unit. We were running late and I missed a turnoff in the dark and forgot I had my ATV trailer attached to the truck while backing up, Now I'm pretty pissed off at myself. We started climbing. I left my Dad behind as he's not in the shape I am in to meet me at the top. I arrived at my glassing point and almost immediately found rams. There was about 5 traveling right down the ridge I was on. When they went behind a rise about 600 yds away I made my move. Unfortunately I did not see a young straggler ram and he busted me. I took off running toward them and found this guy and two younger ones staring at me at the bottom of a caynon. Even though the other ram was better scoring, I am glad that I got this one because of the way I got him. He scores 153 and was aged at 9 years old. Unit 205. Animal artistry in Reno did the taxidermy, the photo's look a funny to me, he looks a lot better on the wall.
COSA, I know what you mean by the photographs. I have trouble when I take pics of my mounts. When you get up close like that, it really distorts the animal. You get a bigger head with a longer nose. I've found that by backing off and using the zoom, I get less of that distortion (at least with my camera).
Great story and mount!!!
That's a great ram. Congrats, COSA. Stories like yours keep me hoping and applying. Maybe one day I'll luck out and draw the tag of a lifetime.

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