Corporate Downsizing. maybe a good thing this year?



As Long time reader, but rarely a poster.I wanted to share,

Today I was informed that due to the company I work with being bought out last month, that my position is being eliminated(for streamline purposes) effective at the end of my boss talking with me(which meant I was being demoted and was returning to hourly rather than being on salary) along with that hit, the department I manage, will be no more come August 22. :'(

After taking in the news, I then told the boss, that my last day would be Aug 15(bet you didn't see that coming. lol)

No, I didn't tell him the Archery hunt starts on the 16, But having drawn a LE ELk tag this year, I may just take the entire Hunt off. Haul up the trailer on the 15th, and live for a month in the woods rather than driving out there every weekend to hunt.(i did have the last week of the hunt scheduled for vacation) What would you do?? yes/no ?

I will start sending out resumes next week, but if I can help it, with out my wife killing me for life insurance money, i'll try to hold out for job that starts, maybe the 15 of September..

As crappy as the whole situation is, it could have come at a worse time than this...:D
That's the way to find the silver lining! Make them pay you your vacation. Work out a severance package if possible. Good luck on your hunts (elk and job!)!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I did check on moving my vacation before I left the office today, HR had already been told that we had a freeze on vacation days for the rest of the year, your request in May is the days you get, or not get as the case may be(but i'll be paid for the vacation time built up to the day I leave.). As far as severance, that will be spent or saved for 7.25 months of house payments.

The wife and I have been talking the last couple hours, she knows me and hunting and is ok with taking the month to hunt AS LONG AS there are immediate prospects, so that might mean not taking the whole month for the mature bulls. But this could be a good year to have drawn a mature tag.
Hey, you were looking for a job when you found this one right? I believe things happen for a reason. It may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. Right after you kill the bull of a lifetime maybe you will find a job that will make you wonder what you ever stayed at that other place for. It could happen. Good luck to you.

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