Copy Machines

Now you are telling me the photocopies we made at the drunken office party could get out there for all to see? In my defense it was cold in the room that night.
All the more reason to go "Office Space" on them. I think Andymansavage has a cool video of him doing that to one once.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I am one of those preaching this to clients......We include the hard drive clearing in our managed print solution, I will use this video in the future with clients. There are a lot of security risks involved with printing and imaging that people don't think about, and tactics used by bad guys to take advantage. We manage printing for several large DOD entities and they are about the only ones who really care. These copier companies providing the leased machines to healthcare companies are violating HIPPA by not clearing everything as well. HP actually flew a film crew out to do several videos on our print and security solution....pretty cool actually.

And yes Roy, I executed a Okidata printer in the desert...

AndymanSavage..... You might want to get a hold of D13er. He has a technique he uses on washing machines that would probably do a better job on those copiers than the handgun did..... Terry
I bought a used copier that came from Kona. It must have been overtons.


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