

Back in my younger days when I was a Vegas PO. Dug up some old footage of my bad guy chasing days. I used to have a pretty good tan when I lived in vegas just so you know. I hope you enjoy!

suntan??'d say

The kid never even saw it coming, I would like to see some more people getting taken down like that. It is unreal how little respect people have for law enforcement.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Ya I had to get ruff with him that little fire crotch was testing my patience. That take down will teach him to stop being a total DBAG next time.
I nominate Aaron84 for MM moderator. LOL


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Thanks eel lol. I was actually working on my seventh dew when I got the call to say I was pissed is a understatement.
Giggle. (Beavis and butthead snicker).

Was that the Jedi mind trick wave I saw just before launch?

That is what your dumb Irish azzhat gets when you call a Black cop the "N" word!

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
I remember that day very well. Glad I was there with you to distract him, while you choked him out!
Its always nice to see some idiot get put in his place. That cops gotta be careful though, could have broke the kids hyoid bone in his neck, then the cop would be out of a job and the state out several million.
Posts 3,4 and 6 hahahahahahahahahahahahah lmfao thats ****ing classic


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