
Long Time Member
F-16's in various camo's. Very impressive.



Now thats a good post eldorado!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I don't recognize the first two (I think those might have been Photoshopped), but I do recognize the 3rd one. Part of an "aggressor" squadron for Red Flag exercises. They play the bad guys and the good guys try to shoot them down. Some jets at Nellis in Las Vegas, NV have similar paint schemes on them including a desert paint job. Still yet pretty tight looking paint jobs.
I have often wondered on camo for fighter jets or any military birds why the whole aircraft top and bottom are painted the same. I mean from the top of the jet should be camouflaged much like the terrain below it and the underneath like the sky. Wouldn?t that make more sense?? Just an observation.

Ya, the JASDAF also has an F2 similar to the F-16 with the "aggressor" paint scheme. It has a Mitsubushi motor in it though....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-11 AT 07:19PM (MST)[p]the first two pics are definately photoshop! If i'm not mistaken they are exerts from falcon 4.0

That's the reason all the planes are painted that grey color now. Kinda blends in with the asphalt on the ground and is perfect for the sky. Besides, you get killed sittin on the ground. Might be showing my age, but planes used to be painted the typical green/brown camo since the fight was gonna be in Europe. Then Desert Storm and the sand box happened. Plus, it doesn't really matter what the top looks like when you're gettin a missle shoved up yer stovepipe from 50,000+ feet anyway.

As far as I know, the Oregon ANG is still flying the same F-15B I got a ride in at Langley AFB, VA...tail #75086, the "tub". She's a grand old bird that'll still put a whoopin on ya! Every production model was grey as far as I know, and there's never been one shot down in combat anywhere...period. 35+ years in service and that's a record to be proud of.

One of the neatest camo patterns is on the A-10 (a man's aerospace vee-hicle as Sgt Rizzo on MASH would say). There's a black oval on the bottom to simulate the cockpit so you don't know which side is facing you. Cheap to build and deadly as hell. It'll be a real shame when it retires! Same with the F-15 Eagle, but the Raptor is as bad as it gets! Sometimes you have to wonder if all the money is worth the price, but with countries like China coming out with knock offs, I believe it is.

One of the cool things about being out here in the west is the chance to see the "Heritage Flight" at airshows. It's based out of Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson. When I was stationed and lived there they used to practice several times a year and it was cool to see a formation fly over the house that included a P-38, P-51, F-84, F-15, F-16, and a F-22 Raptor flying together in formation. Of course, the sound of that Merlin V-12 engine in the Mustang was what gave me the woodie LOL. I'm not sure if the F-84 is back in the air since it crash landed at D-M. Probably hard to find parts. It's owned by Frank Borman (astronaut and former CEO of Eastern Airlines), who lives in Las Cruces, NM. You need to look him up WVBOW!

I've been retired 8 years and I sure miss things like the planes. The deployments away from the family I don't miss. I wouldn't trade the 26+ years I served for anything in the world though...or working on F-4s, F-111s ;)
I had the distinct pleasure of being stationed at Al Jaber Ab, Kuwait when "KC" flew one of these bad boys back from Iraq with so many holes in it that it had to be supported in a bunch of spots during disassembly. The badass part of it was that flight safety told HER to punch out as soon as she crossed into Kuwait, but her wingman was heer Sqd CC and he told her she could do whatever she wanted... She landed it beautifully with ZERO HYDRAULIC FLUID in the entire plane...

She has a set of stones!


When you at Ahmed al Jaber? I was there in 2000, about week after the 130 shoved the landing gear right up through the fuselage.

Here's a pic of the supposedly final flyby of the the Brit Harrier over Parliament. Don't know if it's true, but it's darn sure RAF style ROTFLMAO! Nice formation, though. After two tours at the 'lik (Incirlik AB, Turkey) I know they're as hard core as you can get. Those guys will shock the hell out of our country's best redneck! I know they shocked me...LOL.

I spent a couple months in Bahrain and have a friend that's there now. Pretty wild what's goin on. I just hope cooler heads prevail...guess we'll see.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-11 AT 10:32AM (MST)[p]I love the A-10!

Here's a cool pic of a KC-135 Stratotanker flying into the new St George (UT) airport. I was lucky enough to get to go on a refueling mission on one of these a few years ago. One of the coolest things I have ever done!

That trip was Mar-Sep 2003. I had the honor of visiting that sh!tbox in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2003. Lucky me...

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