Controlled hunt zone 60-2



First post for a long time lurker.

This year is the first year I will be applying for a controlled hunt. I am going for zone 60-2 for antlerless. 60-2 includes all of 60 and 60a. The season runs Nov 1-30. In past years it has had a very high success rate however, it has a long season and it is a big area.

Has anyone ever hunted 60 or 60a? When is the best time to hunt this area and where? I am going after a cow or spike,, have enough racks,, need the meat.

Thanks in advance.

Molon Labe- Go Greek. Lifetime member Kappa Kappa Bang (KKB) Fraternity
This hunt area is primarily a "road hunt". There are roads in a lot of these areas, and all are pretty rough. There are a few resident elk, the key word here certainly being "few". The main deal here is that this is a very weather-dependent hunt. When the snow hits hard enough the elk come out of Yellowstone or Island Park and elsewhere on their way to winter range. They can cross these areas very rapidly, so it is important to be available to go when the storms hit. Some years there isn't enough snow to bring them down until after the hunt, some years it comes much earlier.
Agreed. If you have to pick a time, go later. If you are unlucky enough to miss the migration with this tag, then there are resident elk that you can hunt in the big sagebrush around the agricultural areas. Get up high and glass early and late. Volcanoes below Kilgore are good spots. The elk come out of Island park at Fog Butte a lot and cross through that area.
I agree with the 1st 2 posts, all good info if you hit the migration the Fog Butte area will be a great place to start
Great info folks, thanks, that is what I needed. It sounds like a successful hunt in this area is really about timing. Unfortunately with work and family schedule, I would have to set my hunt date in stone. I only get a week so it would be a crap shoot. Thinking maybe I will just get the zone 30 antlerless tags and go for what I know.

Molon Labe- Go Greek. Lifetime member Kappa Kappa Bang (KKB) Fraternity
My buddy had this hunt about 3-4 years ago. Like one of the guys said, if you can hit the migration your in good shape. One of the main migration spots for those coming out of Island Park and into the desert is the Sand Creek area. There is a road just before you get to the Sand Creek ponds that will take you up into the July Creek area just east of the ponds. To hit the migration you will need to check this area every 2-3 days. We went up every few mornings and cow called out of the truck with a hochiemama. We got plenty of calls back when the elk were in the area. We never hunted in the thick woods but stayed in the buck/sage brush. Snow is nice too. Most activity happened late november but that'll depend on how early snow fall affects the elk. We had our pick of 2 6 points and several rag horns that came down with the main herd. If you miss it, check the desert between hamer and the red road. Plenty of local elk in this area.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-14 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]Good info namlots . We ended up just getting tags to hunt cow in Unit 66 above Palisade Lake. So the research begins anew. I know nothing of the area other than its 368 mile from my house in Middleton.


Molon Labe-- Go Greek. Lifetime member Kappa Kappa Bang (KKB) Fraternity
LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-14 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]I have hunted the late 60-2 area twice...once in 2002 and again in 2012 with my dad. I found that the resident herd really increased in that time...much more elk the second time before the snow hit...but when the snow hits ... hang on! It can be a real enjoyable hunt. Country went from just a few elk tracks into a feed lot. They seem to move fast. Spend time locating the larger groups and then focus on that herd.
I should pay more attention :( I am also familiar with 66. It is a great elk producing area. However, it gets lots of pressure. Your plans will change on the fly once the first shot is fired. My suggestion would be to look for an area that you have a good view of a saddle or other escape route and watch it closely in the morning. Mid day check out the escape cover areas for fresh elk sign and then plan your evening hunt appropriately.
Good info Circuit, thanks. We plan on hunting as far from roads as we can get . The area around Pilot Peak looks promising on Google Earth.

Molon Labe- - Go Greek. Lifetime member Kappa Kappa Bang (KKB) Fraternity

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