conspiracy theory



Did anyone watch this with gov all star wrestler ?

Anyway ? Is. Did anyone ever actually see the live footage of a plane hitting the pentagon.? I didn't. Seen the planes hit the towers but not the pentagon. So what do You guys think?

Your kidding right? Now maybe the Men on the Moon and yeti's...I believe in govt conspiracies but not with the Pentagon and the towers.
I just ask ? Cuz I pretty open minded. I would think tho that on 9/11 it wouldn't be considered different than any other day tourist wise. And with thousands and thousands of tourists daily to the white house and pentagon etc. At least one of those Chinese people would have had a camera taking pictures of a 747 hitting a building. And it Would have been on YouTube in minutes. Yet there is no video anywhere you can find of this ? Doesn't that seem strange?
I am the first to wanna believe our govt would never be in on this. But wouldn't they release real unphotoshopped proof? I'll gladly eat crow when I see it. I mean no disrespect to any families or victims of this horrible tragedy cuz my heart still goes out to them
You've obviously never been to the Pentagon. The side that it hit is not the "tourist" side and at that time of day, there aren't that many tourists. Also, you try and catch an object moving 300 miles per hour in a camera without super duper high speed film and see if you get anything but a blurry fireball.

Think people - think.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Your right. I have never been there or ever plan on it. But no disrespect I'm pretty sure one of the most highly defended building in the US probably has state of the art surveillance equip. It could have filmed a plane coming in. And the planes that hit the towers weren't going 300+mph??? Managed to catch that on tons of videos and even cheesy cell phone video ? Makes ya just have to say hmmm
They should release the video
Welcome aboard Starship 2011 Dr Horn, you're a few years behind the rest of your group. Most of the followers of this conspiracy theory sort of faded away about five or six years ago. My best advice for you would be to return to the mothership as soon as possible before they leave you behind.
I'm not sure who the followers are tho really. Yeah we were all told a plane hit it end of story. And followed that story. But when anyone asks to see proof of it it can't be found. And a guy researches it at all what do You find ???s they won't answer.
I really don't care what anyone thinks about crazy right wing conspiracy or not. Hell all everybody wants is the same thing. The truth

Jesus wept.... You are right Roy.. some peoples parents should have never been allowed to breed.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
should we even see the footage??? Probably not....if it did exist and it probably does, i don't think that it would be easy to access.....kind of for obvious reasons. Respect those involved....


Wildlife population control specialist
i have a conspiracy streak in me too. i 100% do not believe we have ever set foot on the moon for one. as far as 9/11 i just can't believe we would do this to our own . however i did watch a lengthy video on a gent who was at ground zero( can't remember the dudes name). and he made several compelling and hard to argue points. i think waco and ruby ridge was an eye opener to what our govt. is capable of.
And berryblaster too. Yes. I do fully respect the family s and victims of this.
DrHorn - if you ever do get the chance you should go and visit the Pentagon. They have a memorial there for all of those who died, both in the building and on the plane (minus the terrorists of course). It is unique monument and to visit there is quite a sobering experience. I was there last year, read the names of those who died, felt the spirit of the place and can tell you with complete confidence that it really happened.

I think it is fun to throw these theories around sometimes but the impossibilities and all the idiosyncracies that have to come together so perfectly and so intricately make it impossible for me to believe them. There is too much historical and empirical evidence stacked up that at some point you can't ignore it.

As for you Beavis - not believing that we didn't land on the moon? Not too surprising - but that's OK - I don't think we will hold it against you ;-) But - just in case, check out the videos here on this site - might change your mind - might not either but they are fun to watch!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
DrHorn, all you have to do is google 9/11 myths debunked and you'll read all youi want on this crap!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
I love this chit!

Ever notice that about 98% of the people who don't believe we went to the moon, could not find Italy on a world map.....but CAN find the Mason Dixon Line, with a blindfold on!
>I love this chit!
>Ever notice that about 98% of
>the people who don't believe
>we went to the moon,
>could not find Italy on
>a world map.....but CAN find
>the Mason Dixon Line, with
>a blindfold on!

I believe we went to the moon. I have been to Italy but I also can locate the Mason Dixon Line with my eyes closed.
So my question to you Nick, are you a yankee?
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle make the modules' locations evident.

I have seen interviews with some firemen that were at their truck outside the pentagon very close to where the plane hit. They heard it and saw it coming. Maybe they were paid off, who knows. But if it was a missile, that the theorists say, where is the plane with all those people, many of whom were on the phone with loved ones right up until the "crash". The theorists also claim the planes that hit the towers and crashed in PA were remote controlled govt planes with no numbers on the side. Where are those planes and those people?

Let me guess, under Denver International Airport, many sublevels deep. Yes, you want to get into more weird stuff? Google DIA, sublevels, the demented mural, masonic symbols.
I don't think it was the government, just because they would have had to use alot of good and knowledgable men to execute and cover up a mission like that. To convince that number and caliber of men to become mass murderers on their own country isn't likely.
i thank and applaud you gents for the data but if i can't see the markings in my neighbors 8" telescope i refuse to believe astronomy teacher was the one that got the seed planted in my brain. but we are all intitled to our opinions. and thanks for the data again guys !
The next comet should be by shortly anyone caring to jump aboard may buy their tickets now.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>The next comet should be by
>shortly anyone caring to jump
>aboard may buy their tickets
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

Anybody going should remember to wear Nikes.

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