conservation tags, private and public hunts



I grew up hunting in those big family deer camps at the age of 2. Thats what got me hooked on hunting. As the years progressed the landowners started conducting land swaps in order to surround massive tracts of public land with their private. This allowed them to charge people to basically hunt private land. I began to severly despise these greedy land grabbers and vowed never to support them in any way. As the years progressed it appeared as if the only way you were going to hunt was to pay the all mighty dollar to gain access to any public hunting grounds (these landowners basically perform the function of wildlife conservationists no matter how your opinion about them is formed). My family couldn't afford to travel more than an hour from our house to hunt and one deer hunt a year strained the budget enough. Needless to say buying tags was out of the question. Well time progressed and now in NM landowners are given tons of tags. These tags can be sold for any price. In my twenties I still refused to buy these tags and help the enemy out. Well my mid twenties roll around and I still hadn't hunted antelope and had only drawn one late season tag in a unit that had hardly any elk in it. I began to realize that if I was going to hunt I would have to buy a tag somewhere. I put my hard feelings aside and bought a unit wide landowner tag in the gila for elk and had a great time. I figured as long as it wasn't a ranch only tag and I was hunting public ground that at least I wasn't totally depending on the private ranches. Now Utah sells tags to the general public areas in acutions. I'm with you guys in despising that only the rich can hunt and like it or not its only going to get worse. Look at South Africa. In the 60's the plains game were almost gone. Then big money started rolling in to hunt these animals and instantly people started managing the animals to profit from them. Now SA has more plains game than they ever have in their history.

The other side is Europe. Only the most elite can hunt. Hunting priveleges have been taken away so long that fewer and fewer people have been able to participate and now hunting is no longer an acceptable practice in Europe.

My ponderance here is where is the common ground. South Africa only caters to the wealthy but the herds are strong. Europe only caters to the elite and hunting is considered barbaric and noone agrees with the practice. We face declining herds, fierce competition, and are now leaning towards the European model of hunting. Common sense tells me we need a very limited number of conservation tags. I say sell so few that the ones that are sold bring hundreds of thousands of dollars getting the biggest bang for the buck. Then target hunting future with all the other tags and form some sort of system that will recruit hunters on an anual basis in order to keep the sport going. The big problem is how to do that. Populations will continue to increase and animals will continue to be impacted more and more by them. My days in the family deer camp are gone and things are not looking any better. What's in store for us and where do we go? We all gripe about sfw but truth is sfw blows mdf, rmef, sci, nra, du, and all other organizations out of the water. Bottom line is still the same and I say the future of hunting doesn't look good unless some one has a major apiffany and enacts some geinous plan to save us all.

Am I wrong in my thinking? Whats to be expected for the futre? 1 quality elk hunt per lifetime seems to be the course of hunting I would say in the next 20 years.

Long story short is we need wealth tags, we need hunter recruitement and we also need healthy herds. Thats a tall order and to put a percentage on any of those is pure speculation. Where will hunting wind up at?

In the mean time I'm gonna hunt till I die or go broke. I live to hunt and pray to god every single person who loves to hunt can some day experince the hunt the way they see fits them best.

Let me now clarify my statement that caused so much hate mail to be sent my way. In short I said anyone against sfw was stupid. This statement was only pointed at coyoteslayer aka justin in order to bring him out and fight with him a little online. I love jabbing at justin and find him entertaining. Believe it or not I like that guy a lot. However I forget how many people read this forum and must apologize to all that were offended. Funny thing is that everyone but justin was offended. I'm glad to see your dogmatic childish comebacks still around justin You make me laugh every time I see someone take your bait.
Your wrong. Maybe UT, and SA needed wealth tags (really they needed managment), but they do not anymore. Do you think that there should be a life long payback for the privilage the wealth tags are given, even if not needed anymore?
The wealth tags were a privilage to the rich, not a begging. They are not needed anymore, elk herds are stong as they can be and really are overpopulated enough that "management hunts" are needed to thin them out. So I ask you, why are they still needed? Payback? Payback for what? they got payback by skipping in line for over a decade.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]

Oh, and I wonder how your cheering section on the Elk forum would have been last fall if more guys knew you BOUGHT that tag. I don't even live out there and talked with more than one guy who didn't know and was kind of perplexed when he found out.
Dude, I have nothing against you but the fact that you think your money should allow you a skip in the line.
You would get a lot less crap spending your money on a res hunt, JMO.
It is your choice to buy the tag, that is fine, but just don't expect everyone to like it. I bought a landowner tag in NM once myself in a crappy unit I could have drawn 100% had I applied for dirt cheap. Felt guilty as hell. Feel like I am a hyporcit i guess. I should talk. Difference is I dont expect other to think it is right, and I respect them if they don't. And the big thing is if I had a vote on weather or not they should be GONE, i would vote hell yes. So in some ways we are in the same boat, i just feel NM is not even in the same boat as UT. All of UT wealth tags take place on fed land, and the drawing time it takes is a lot worst.
"................truth is sfw blows mdf, rmef, sci, nra, du, and all other organizations out of the water."

Is that a serious comment, or an attempt at humor? Just wondering.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 04:04PM (MST)[p]Stinky-

You and I still likely disagree on many things but we do share some common ground.

You said: ?Common sense tells me we need a very limited number of conservation tags. I say sell so few that the ones that are sold bring hundreds of thousands of dollars getting the biggest bang for the buck. . . . Long story short is we need wealth tags, we need hunter recruitment and we also need healthy herds.?

I agree. Here are a few simple suggestions off the top of my head that should be consistent with your comments:

First, Utah should offer a very few conservation permits (5 to 10 total). That would put several hundred permits back in the public draw and would substantially drive up the price of the few tags that were auctioned off to a premium. It is called the law of supply and demand.

Second, Utah should enact a law that 100% of the funds generated from the sale of conservation permits be used for actual conservation projects. This would ensure that conservation groups do not use funds generated from the sale of these permits for salaries, consulting fees, bonuses and other administrative expenses. Conservation groups make plenty of money off membership fees, banquets fees, donations, etc. They should not be living off of conservation funds. Plus, as long as conservation groups get to pocket 10% of the funds generated from conservation permits, they will always be pushing for more and more permits. Once you take these groups off the tap, they will suddenly come to the realization that there should be a more reasonable limit on the numbers of such permits.

Third, if Utah is going to continue offering 200 convention permits a year for the EXPO then it should pass a law that 100% of the funds generated from the sale (or ?drawing?) of the 200 convention permits should be used for actual conservation projects. Again, SFW and MDF should not be using these funds as their own personal piggy bank.

These three simple ideas would go a long way toward accomplishing the goals mentioned in your post. There would still be a few ?wealth tags? available to fat cats willing to spend big money. Conservation groups would still be able to raise significant amounts of money--the only difference would be ALL of the money generated from public permits would be used for actual conservation. Finally, hundreds of permits would be returned to the public draw where they belong.

What do you think? Where am I wrong??


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD

History will repeat itself when they become the kings deer the common man will not hunt.

I challenge you to truly research conservation organizations, not just the PR they themsleves present but the actual hardcore numbers. If history repeats itself as it will you will find out that SFW is hardly leading the pack, in fact all they have created is a firestorm in one state. IMO many of SFW's political items (which is the only place they have made a difference both good and bad) could have happened with or without them, had Don Peay been willing to be a volunteer rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist. Now I understand Don needs to make a living and deserves a fair wage for his talents and talented he is. However, I believe the road he took was self serving not to improve conservation,habitat or wildlife, I have been there since the beginning and Don has paved the road to lead to Don's dream not the common man.

As for hunting I would disagree with your summation. I have yet to pay for a tag or trespass fee for any big game hunt in the west. I did go to Texas once and paid for the hunt there. Anyway I am willing to put my collection of trophies up against anyones I have been able to hunt for the price of a tag. I am in the fight to see that continues well into the future. However if Utah's system is allowed to progress on its current path the common man will be left out.

Utah is not leading the race in any way as far as game managment is concerned, in fact I argue we have forgone game managment and succumbed to hunter management. In our attempt to manage hunters the rich seem to be winning out while the future and the animals lose. Don't kid yourself Utah does not have the best elk management, ask yourself who would be rewriting record books if Utah's bordering states only harvested 1800 branch antlered bulls a year? From 25+ years of studying elk, all indications are that Utah will see a crash from maintaining out of whack bull to cow ratios simply to insure old age class bulls. In fact from my observations and record keeping I can already present many indicators that say our elk herds are at risk from this managment policy. Now with wolves on our doorstep and CWD in our soup we better begin managing by proven and proper biology before it is to late. Or maybe even the king will have a hard time spending his money and time hunting.
Hawkeye, you forgot that all the expo tag money should be used for UTAH projects. That has never been answered, but asked many times.
Travis is once again spot on. Raising harvest age objectives is only going to HURT, yes I said HURT, quality. Those who think raising age objectives by a 1.5 years will keep/increase quality haven't been paying attention.
A few tags like maybe a dozen totally to the various groups which will drive the price up at auction. If you would push your G&F to manage the herds using proper biology and less money grubbing they can do the job. I hunted NM for years and that place has become kind of a joke. I talked to a lady at NMG&F and she told me 90% of the landower cow tags were never used. Kind of tells you how the profit motive works regarding proper herd management. I just care about my grandson having some opportunity to hunt when he is paying a 50% tax rate in the future. I hope you buy that governor's tag here when you come down. It would be a hoot to be able to pick any time in the year to hunt and in any unit. Good luck.
>History will repeat itself when they
>become the kings deer the
>common man will not hunt.
>I challenge you to truly research
>conservation organizations, not just the
>PR they themsleves present but
>the actual hardcore numbers. If
>history repeats itself as it
>will you will find out
>that SFW is hardly leading
>the pack, in fact all
>they have created is a
>firestorm in one state. IMO
>many of SFW's political items
>(which is the only place
>they have made a difference
>both good and bad) could
>have happened with or without
>them, had Don Peay been
>willing to be a volunteer
>rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist.
>Now I understand Don needs
>to make a living and
>deserves a fair wage for
>his talents and talented he
>is. However, I believe the
>road he took was self
>serving not to improve conservation,habitat
>or wildlife, I have been
>there since the beginning and
>Don has paved the road
>to lead to Don's dream
>not the common man.
>As for hunting I would disagree
>with your summation. I have
>yet to pay for a
>tag or trespass fee for
>any big game hunt in
>the west. I did go
>to Texas once and paid
>for the hunt there. Anyway
>I am willing to put
>my collection of trophies up
>against anyones I have been
>able to hunt for the
>price of a tag. I
>am in the fight to
>see that continues well into
>the future. However if Utah's
>system is allowed to progress
>on its current path the
>common man will be left
>Utah is not leading the race
>in any way as far
>as game managment is concerned,
>in fact I argue we
>have forgone game managment and
>succumbed to hunter management. In
>our attempt to manage hunters
>the rich seem to be
>winning out while the future
>and the animals lose. Don't
>kid yourself Utah does not
>have the best elk management,
>ask yourself who would be
>rewriting record books if Utah's
>bordering states only harvested 1800
>branch antlered bulls a year?
>From 25+ years of studying
>elk, all indications are that
>Utah will see a crash
>from maintaining out of whack
>bull to cow ratios simply
>to insure old age class
>bulls. In fact from my
>observations and record keeping I
>can already present many indicators
>that say our elk herds
>are at risk from this
>managment policy. Now with wolves
>on our doorstep and CWD
>in our soup we better
>begin managing by proven and
>proper biology before it is
>to late. Or maybe even
>the king will have a
>hard time spending his money
>and time hunting.

+1 The problem is we are killing cows to keep more bulls on the mountain. This means fewer calves are born every year. Fewer calves born means less opportunity. When it crashes then our herds will take longer to rebuild because we have fewer cows then we should have.
Two things:

What's an "apiffany"?

And would someone please disable the "Reply With Quote" button on EliteHornydude's profile?
Nope, just get tired of seeing the entire previous post repeated seven times when all you were really after was one or two sentences. I can't even read 'em. Reply with Quote and then delete the parts that aren't irrelevent to your reply.

Just sayin' your replies might be more effective if I knew what part of the previous sermonette you are taking issue with.
>>History will repeat itself when they
>>become the kings deer the
>>common man will not hunt.
>>I challenge you to truly research
>>conservation organizations, not just the
>>PR they themsleves present but
>>the actual hardcore numbers. If
>>history repeats itself as it
>>will you will find out
>>that SFW is hardly leading
>>the pack, in fact all
>>they have created is a
>>firestorm in one state. IMO
>>many of SFW's political items
>>(which is the only place
>>they have made a difference
>>both good and bad) could
>>have happened with or without
>>them, had Don Peay been
>>willing to be a volunteer
>>rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist.
>>Now I understand Don needs
>>to make a living and
>>deserves a fair wage for
>>his talents and talented he
>>is. However, I believe the
>>road he took was self
>>serving not to improve conservation,habitat
>>or wildlife, I have been
>>there since the beginning and
>>Don has paved the road
>>to lead to Don's dream
>>not the common man.
>>As for hunting I would disagree
>>with your summation. I have
>>yet to pay for a
>>tag or trespass fee for
>>any big game hunt in
>>the west. I did go
>>to Texas once and paid
>>for the hunt there. Anyway
>>I am willing to put
>>my collection of trophies up
>>against anyones I have been
>>able to hunt for the
>>price of a tag. I
>>am in the fight to
>>see that continues well into
>>the future. However if Utah's
>>system is allowed to progress
>>on its current path the
>>common man will be left
>>Utah is not leading the race
>>in any way as far
>>as game managment is concerned,
>>in fact I argue we
>>have forgone game managment and
>>succumbed to hunter management. In
>>our attempt to manage hunters
>>the rich seem to be
>>winning out while the future
>>and the animals lose. Don't
>>kid yourself Utah does not
>>have the best elk management,
>>ask yourself who would be
>>rewriting record books if Utah's
>>bordering states only harvested 1800
>>branch antlered bulls a year?
>>From 25+ years of studying
>>elk, all indications are that
>>Utah will see a crash
>>from maintaining out of whack
>>bull to cow ratios simply
>>to insure old age class
>>bulls. In fact from my
>>observations and record keeping I
>>can already present many indicators
>>that say our elk herds
>>are at risk from this
>>managment policy. Now with wolves
>>on our doorstep and CWD
>>in our soup we better
>>begin managing by proven and
>>proper biology before it is
>>to late. Or maybe even
>>the king will have a
>>hard time spending his money
>>and time hunting.
>+1 The problem is we are
>killing cows to keep more
>bulls on the mountain. This
>means fewer calves are born
>every year. Fewer calves born
>means less opportunity. When it
>crashes then our herds will
>take longer to rebuild because
>we have fewer cows then
>we should have.

>>>History will repeat itself when they
>>>become the kings deer the
>>>common man will not hunt.
>>>I challenge you to truly research
>>>conservation organizations, not just the
>>>PR they themsleves present but
>>>the actual hardcore numbers. If
>>>history repeats itself as it
>>>will you will find out
>>>that SFW is hardly leading
>>>the pack, in fact all
>>>they have created is a
>>>firestorm in one state. IMO
>>>many of SFW's political items
>>>(which is the only place
>>>they have made a difference
>>>both good and bad) could
>>>have happened with or without
>>>them, had Don Peay been
>>>willing to be a volunteer
>>>rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist.
>>>Now I understand Don needs
>>>to make a living and
>>>deserves a fair wage for
>>>his talents and talented he
>>>is. However, I believe the
>>>road he took was self
>>>serving not to improve conservation,habitat
>>>or wildlife, I have been
>>>there since the beginning and
>>>Don has paved the road
>>>to lead to Don's dream
>>>not the common man.
>>>As for hunting I would disagree
>>>with your summation. I have
>>>yet to pay for a
>>>tag or trespass fee for
>>>any big game hunt in
>>>the west. I did go
>>>to Texas once and paid
>>>for the hunt there. Anyway
>>>I am willing to put
>>>my collection of trophies up
>>>against anyones I have been
>>>able to hunt for the
>>>price of a tag. I
>>>am in the fight to
>>>see that continues well into
>>>the future. However if Utah's
>>>system is allowed to progress
>>>on its current path the
>>>common man will be left
>>>Utah is not leading the race
>>>in any way as far
>>>as game managment is concerned,
>>>in fact I argue we
>>>have forgone game managment and
>>>succumbed to hunter management. In
>>>our attempt to manage hunters
>>>the rich seem to be
>>>winning out while the future
>>>and the animals lose. Don't
>>>kid yourself Utah does not
>>>have the best elk management,
>>>ask yourself who would be
>>>rewriting record books if Utah's
>>>bordering states only harvested 1800
>>>branch antlered bulls a year?
>>>From 25+ years of studying
>>>elk, all indications are that
>>>Utah will see a crash
>>>from maintaining out of whack
>>>bull to cow ratios simply
>>>to insure old age class
>>>bulls. In fact from my
>>>observations and record keeping I
>>>can already present many indicators
>>>that say our elk herds
>>>are at risk from this
>>>managment policy. Now with wolves
>>>on our doorstep and CWD
>>>in our soup we better
>>>begin managing by proven and
>>>proper biology before it is
>>>to late. Or maybe even
>>>the king will have a
>>>hard time spending his money
>>>and time hunting.
>>+1 The problem is we are
>>killing cows to keep more
>>bulls on the mountain. This
>>means fewer calves are born
>>every year. Fewer calves born
>>means less opportunity. When it
>>crashes then our herds will
>>take longer to rebuild because
>>we have fewer cows then
>>we should have.

I agree, especially with that one part.
>>>>History will repeat itself when they
>>>>become the kings deer the
>>>>common man will not hunt.
>>>>I challenge you to truly research
>>>>conservation organizations, not just the
>>>>PR they themsleves present but
>>>>the actual hardcore numbers. If
>>>>history repeats itself as it
>>>>will you will find out
>>>>that SFW is hardly leading
>>>>the pack, in fact all
>>>>they have created is a
>>>>firestorm in one state. IMO
>>>>many of SFW's political items
>>>>(which is the only place
>>>>they have made a difference
>>>>both good and bad) could
>>>>have happened with or without
>>>>them, had Don Peay been
>>>>willing to be a volunteer
>>>>rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist.
>>>>Now I understand Don needs
>>>>to make a living and
>>>>deserves a fair wage for
>>>>his talents and talented he
>>>>is. However, I believe the
>>>>road he took was self
>>>>serving not to improve conservation,habitat
>>>>or wildlife, I have been
>>>>there since the beginning and
>>>>Don has paved the road
>>>>to lead to Don's dream
>>>>not the common man.
>>>>As for hunting I would disagree
>>>>with your summation. I have
>>>>yet to pay for a
>>>>tag or trespass fee for
>>>>any big game hunt in
>>>>the west. I did go
>>>>to Texas once and paid
>>>>for the hunt there. Anyway
>>>>I am willing to put
>>>>my collection of trophies up
>>>>against anyones I have been
>>>>able to hunt for the
>>>>price of a tag. I
>>>>am in the fight to
>>>>see that continues well into
>>>>the future. However if Utah's
>>>>system is allowed to progress
>>>>on its current path the
>>>>common man will be left
>>>>Utah is not leading the race
>>>>in any way as far
>>>>as game managment is concerned,
>>>>in fact I argue we
>>>>have forgone game managment and
>>>>succumbed to hunter management. In
>>>>our attempt to manage hunters
>>>>the rich seem to be
>>>>winning out while the future
>>>>and the animals lose. Don't
>>>>kid yourself Utah does not
>>>>have the best elk management,
>>>>ask yourself who would be
>>>>rewriting record books if Utah's
>>>>bordering states only harvested 1800
>>>>branch antlered bulls a year?
>>>>From 25+ years of studying
>>>>elk, all indications are that
>>>>Utah will see a crash
>>>>from maintaining out of whack
>>>>bull to cow ratios simply
>>>>to insure old age class
>>>>bulls. In fact from my
>>>>observations and record keeping I
>>>>can already present many indicators
>>>>that say our elk herds
>>>>are at risk from this
>>>>managment policy. Now with wolves
>>>>on our doorstep and CWD
>>>>in our soup we better
>>>>begin managing by proven and
>>>>proper biology before it is
>>>>to late. Or maybe even
>>>>the king will have a
>>>>hard time spending his money
>>>>and time hunting.
>>>+1 The problem is we are
>>>killing cows to keep more
>>>bulls on the mountain. This
>>>means fewer calves are born
>>>every year. Fewer calves born
>>>means less opportunity. When it
>>>crashes then our herds will
>>>take longer to rebuild because
>>>we have fewer cows then
>>>we should have.
>I agree, especially with that one

The part about the calves.
>>>>>History will repeat itself when they
>>>>>become the kings deer the
>>>>>common man will not hunt.
>>>>>I challenge you to truly research
>>>>>conservation organizations, not just the
>>>>>PR they themsleves present but
>>>>>the actual hardcore numbers. If
>>>>>history repeats itself as it
>>>>>will you will find out
>>>>>that SFW is hardly leading
>>>>>the pack, in fact all
>>>>>they have created is a
>>>>>firestorm in one state. IMO
>>>>>many of SFW's political items
>>>>>(which is the only place
>>>>>they have made a difference
>>>>>both good and bad) could
>>>>>have happened with or without
>>>>>them, had Don Peay been
>>>>>willing to be a volunteer
>>>>>rather than a paid consultant/lobbyist.
>>>>>Now I understand Don needs
>>>>>to make a living and
>>>>>deserves a fair wage for
>>>>>his talents and talented he
>>>>>is. However, I believe the
>>>>>road he took was self
>>>>>serving not to improve conservation,habitat
>>>>>or wildlife, I have been
>>>>>there since the beginning and
>>>>>Don has paved the road
>>>>>to lead to Don's dream
>>>>>not the common man.
>>>>>As for hunting I would disagree
>>>>>with your summation. I have
>>>>>yet to pay for a
>>>>>tag or trespass fee for
>>>>>any big game hunt in
>>>>>the west. I did go
>>>>>to Texas once and paid
>>>>>for the hunt there. Anyway
>>>>>I am willing to put
>>>>>my collection of trophies up
>>>>>against anyones I have been
>>>>>able to hunt for the
>>>>>price of a tag. I
>>>>>am in the fight to
>>>>>see that continues well into
>>>>>the future. However if Utah's
>>>>>system is allowed to progress
>>>>>on its current path the
>>>>>common man will be left
>>>>>Utah is not leading the race
>>>>>in any way as far
>>>>>as game managment is concerned,
>>>>>in fact I argue we
>>>>>have forgone game managment and
>>>>>succumbed to hunter management. In
>>>>>our attempt to manage hunters
>>>>>the rich seem to be
>>>>>winning out while the future
>>>>>and the animals lose. Don't
>>>>>kid yourself Utah does not
>>>>>have the best elk management,
>>>>>ask yourself who would be
>>>>>rewriting record books if Utah's
>>>>>bordering states only harvested 1800
>>>>>branch antlered bulls a year?
>>>>>From 25+ years of studying
>>>>>elk, all indications are that
>>>>>Utah will see a crash
>>>>>from maintaining out of whack
>>>>>bull to cow ratios simply
>>>>>to insure old age class
>>>>>bulls. In fact from my
>>>>>observations and record keeping I
>>>>>can already present many indicators
>>>>>that say our elk herds
>>>>>are at risk from this
>>>>>managment policy. Now with wolves
>>>>>on our doorstep and CWD
>>>>>in our soup we better
>>>>>begin managing by proven and
>>>>>proper biology before it is
>>>>>to late. Or maybe even
>>>>>the king will have a
>>>>>hard time spending his money
>>>>>and time hunting.
>>>>+1 The problem is we are
>>>>killing cows to keep more
>>>>bulls on the mountain. This
>>>>means fewer calves are born
>>>>every year. Fewer calves born
>>>>means less opportunity. When it
>>>>crashes then our herds will
>>>>take longer to rebuild because
>>>>we have fewer cows then
>>>>we should have.
>>I agree, especially with that one
>The part about the calves.

Do you understand now?????
Hahaha I guess you had a bad day at work. Do you need to drink a beer?

I liked all of Mulepackers post, but I'm sorry if you get confused easy.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]Then act like it good grief. I see a lot of people using the "reply with quote", but yet I don't see you going after them, but I will remind them that you will be warning them in the future.
"Actually I'd wager I had a better day than anyone else here did."

Don't wager too much, today is my wedding anniversary and the wife is letting me out of the dog house for the day. :eek:
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10
>AT 05:27?PM (MST)

>Then act like it good grief.
>I see a lot of
>people using the "reply with
>quote", but yet I don't
>see you going after them,
>but I will remind them
>that you will be warning
>them in the future.

You're a rather serious fellow arent you? Maybe you need a drink. Or something.

edit: elite I am sorry, I was thinking of another person who did that a lot.
NVbighorny you don't know me very well if you think I'm a serious guy.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 05:52PM (MST)[p]I believe that there needs to be more regulation with these tag's. There needs to be an accountability with all of the money that is made and spent.

However, I do not have a problem with the expo tag's. If you look at the list of those who have drawn, about 90% of those expo tags went to resident hunters. I really don't think there is an issue with that. However, the money raised needs to go back to conservation. SFW and MDF shouldn't be allowed to keep that for their own expense.

4 years ago I had a really hard time with the conservation tags. However, I have seen the benefit from these tags. If you drive down I-15, right when you leave Santiquin you will see Wildlife Managment area's all along Mt. Nebo. For those people who hunt the Sanpete extended area should be greatful for all of the WMU's that are just outside of Ephraim, and there are many other WMU's that have been created throughout the state because of conservation money.

A portion of these area's were created from the money raised from the sale of these conservation tag's. I personally feel like we all have benefited from the sale of these tags in one way or another.

There needs to checks and balances with these tag's, but in the long run, they provide more good then they do bad. I will never be able to buy one, but I thank those that have in the past because they have improved my general season hunting area's.

Bart, this is a serious question and I am not looking to start another bash section. But would you have changed your mind on SFW if Porcupine Ridge would have been successful last year?
"Bart, this is a serious question and I am not looking to start another bash section. But would you have changed your mind on SFW if Porcupine Ridge would have been successful last year?"

Damn straight I would! This isn't about me, you, Doug, or Tony. This is about what is happening to Utah wildlife management and the direction it is headed. This about one group having way too much say in how/what wildlife policies are put into play, who benefits and who loses from said policies, what short/long term effects said policies have on wildlife first and hunters second. This is about a group that controls how EVERY big game permit is issued in Utah with little/no transparency. It is about back room deals being made to get things through, even when the biologists and the bulk of the hunting public oppose them. It is about managing wildlife FOR a few hunters instead of managing wildlife BY hunters.

I remember 2-3 years ago having a few intense 'discussions' with you Ray on conservation permits. I "sold" you on the benefits of the CP of I recall correctly. Now you are 180 degrees from where you were then, as am I. How is it okay for you to "flip-flop" but my doing so is somehow connected to me being or not being a guide? People's opinions change when they get more info on a matter. Knowing what I do now, it would be impossible for me to see things through the same paradigm.
Bart, I have always felt that the CP was useful and needed, and I have was always said that the conservation groups needed to find alternative ways to raise money. I still feel like this needs to be done.

During our "talks" we talked alot about the CP. Because of these talks, I started to open my mind more about the CP program. I embrassed it more, but I didn't do a 180.

This has nothing to with you not being a guide anymore. Anyone with a strong passion about a topic/ subject, and then have them turn a 180 is going to have to expect people to question their motives.

Being that you like politics, you can attest to this happening all the time when people switch their political party or views.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 08:52PM (MST)[p]Tony, I saw on the news last night that NM had a shortage of tissue paper. Have you been laying in the fetal position all night crying and drying your tears because you thought we were going to harm your precious conservation tags.

But you can always shoot some sheep with your 50 cal because we all know you have a thing for sheep.

Tony, are you sure that muscle milk hasn't caused you to have some hormone problems?
Tony, LOL!

Ray, can you/Doug/ANYONE point to a post I made where I have stated I want to get rid of ALL conservation permits? Truth is, I have NEVER done so. I HAVE questioned the effectiveness of the CP program as it now stands, I have questioned the transparency of the groups benefiting from the CP program, I have stated I am NOT happy that our wildlife are managed based on how it effects the cash amount brought in from the CP program. And, IMHO, EVERY sportsman that hunts or wants to ever hunt in Utah should be questioning the very same things. When a person gets up and says they are the 'only' one, or 'his' group is the 'only' group doing anything to help wildlife, that should raise a HUGE red flag. Having ANY person have almost unquestioned pull on wildlife issues, no matter how smart/nice the person is, is unwise and asking for trouble.

The deer herds in Utah are still struggling despite millions being spent on habitat projects that are geared mostly to benefit deer. I do realize habitat improvements take time, but when I repeatedly hear SFW claim they are, "saving" wildlife from dwindling away, and anyone who questions ANYTHING they do is/are attacked and called 'socialists' or whiners, I call BS and I doubt it more and more every time they claim to be the 'only' ones able to get things done and that the CP program is the 'only' program that has made our elk herds so great.

If, and that is a big if, SFW comes clean w/o spin and smoke and mirrors, on where EVERY penny from the CP program they have received has gone, and where EVERY penny from the convention permits they have received has gone, and IF they explain how raising harvest age objectives help the health of the elk herd, I will be willing to reconsider my stance on SFW and the CP/convention tag issues.

Bart Hansen
Like sands through the hour glass and so are the days of MM.

Damn Stinky, I was hoping there for a while that you and your old lady thought that you were one of " the smart guys/the ones that carry weight don't post on here". I guess we're not that lucky.
Mr. Hansen. (hoyt) Over the course of the pass year I've supported SFW and continue to do so. You and others have challenged my support, some politely, others on so polite. That's okay but I prefer polite, at least when the comments are directed specifically at me. Not so bad to be boorish if your speaking about the position someone takes in general but when it gets directed at someone specifically it usually triggers an emotional rather than a thoughtful response back. So it is my intent not to me boorish or impolite as I inquire directly to you.

It seems to me (could be wrong but I don't think I am) that you are troubled by some of us that enthusiastically support SFW in spite of some of our differences with them. Herein you have suggested that others beside SFW have done and are doing great things for wildlife and therefore hunting. I am somewhat aware of the many things that SFW have done and are currently engaged in to improve and protect hunting. The list is fairly long and I suspend your pass support for SFW has made some of their efforts successful, so you know, maybe better than most, what they have done and are still attempting to do.

I know you know that MDF and other well respected national and international hunting organization have seen fit to partner and work with SFW on many of the projects and programs. These organization come and go, in and out of partnerships with SFW as the saddle fits the horse that's being road at the moment. Right now RMEF and SFW are working on the wolf issue. Last month it was MDF at the Expo. Why isn't MDF listed as a partner in the wolf fight? I don't believe it's because MDF is angry with SFW. It's only a guess but I wonder if it's because this wolf battle is going to take millions of dollars. The kind of money RMEF has and MDF does not. Basically the wolf battle doesn't fit MDF's saddle so they become a support partner rather than a major partner like RMEF. Could it be that RMEF is a little tender about the grenades they throw in this wolf battle so they see a partnership with SFW works for this one because they know they'll need a group that don't need to pull it's punches. This strategy could be a fairy tail but I'm just trying to make a point about how different wildlife and hunting groups work together at different times for the benefit of wildlife and the hunting culture.

It would seem, but maybe I'm wrong, that these well established organizations who are partnering with SFW and have partnered with them in the past, as the project suited them, know what kind of organization SFW and Don Peay are. I believe these organizations are lead by wise and successful administrators what know what kind of people they are in bed with. Could be all wrong but doesn't make sense if I am.

Now then, back to your concern that we should believe others have done great things for wildlife and the hunting culture. Beside SFW and the current and past partner organizations they have worked with, who are you referring to. Who are these others that have done these significant things? I know, there are many, many individuals that have done things to help but I think you're referring to organizations that are making significant impacts in Utah. at least. I'm not looking to catch you in some tricky question, I'd just like to know who are these organizations or individuals that are doing the kinds of good SFW is doing? Set aside how SFW is doing it, or the way they raise and/or spend the money. Just tell me. who besides SFW my family and I should be throwing our support behind.

Folks who know you say you're a good guy that's changed his opinions, I understand that, I've told you and the rest of the folks that read these posts that I changed my mind too, I went the other way. I was one who fought against SFW and now I support them which, as I've tried to make clear, does not mean I agree with everything they want to do. However, I'm a team player, I believe the team has it's internal opinions and discussions but once a decision is made, it's all for one and one for all. So I'm all in for SFW but if there are others doing great things besides SFW and their partners, who are they? We should all know so we can do our part to support them.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 04:29AM (MST)[p]Can you show me proof that SFW did anything as far a the Wolf battle? Or is credit being taken where it is not due. Is the F&G leading the battle on their own?
Evidently the "Pro Wolf" people think that SFW is something to be scared of. Do a search on Google. There's not many wolf articles out there that don't mention SFW. Even the New York Times ran an article that Quoted John Bair with regards to the wolf groups. Seems they can take quite a bit of credit. I know they were a big player and financial partner in the wolf fight in Montana. I'm just trying to find the article.

It's always an adventure!!!
lumpy2, I am fine with people supporting SFW, I am just saying you should be asking the same questions I am asking.

I also realize how politics work, and make no mistake, groups like SFW/RMEF/MDF are political groups. I know how alliances work, why they are used, and why they can be effective tools to win political battles. When I was a Board member for a smaller group we made alliances with SFW several times, and we were on opposite sides of issues as well at times.

As for who has helped wildlife in Utah, the list is long of BOTH individuals and groups, along with the DWR. I am not going to tell you or anyone else who to support. I am just saying ANYONE who cares about wildlife needs to look at the whole picture, trust but verify, and align yourself wherever you feel your time/money/energy will best be used. If you think that is SFW, great.

My concerns with SFW have been listed many times. And, as long as SFW keeps taking opportunity away from average hunters with shorter season dates, higher age objectives, etc. I will keep objecting.

SFW is suited very well for waging the wolf battle, but they are NOT suited very well to represent the average hunter, IMHO.
I am a memeber of SFW and have been a supporter for many years. I know that the organization does many good things for wildlife and will continue to do so for years to come. Consiquently, I will continue to support them. However, I believe that even a good organization becomes dangerous if it becomes too powerful. I am a big believer is having "checks and balance" within any political system. The reality of Utahs current system is that SFW has grown to the point that it is realatively unchecked and unchallenged in this state. Although I would not go as far as to say that I am a "Hoytme supporter", I do believe that the time has come to reevaluate how things are done, not only in the sate of Utah as a whole, but within the SFW organization as well. Other voices do need to be heard, and other options considered.
I believe our organization (SFW) has done many great things, but we have failed miserably in one area, and that is in keeping our finger on the pulse of the average utah hunter. We need to have a more organized way to let our members voices be heard, and counted.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 10:05?PM (MST)

I think we need some conservation permits. Here is the current list.

2010 - 2012 Multi-Year Conservation Permits



Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (4) AR

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Little Creek (roadless) (2) AW

Bull Elk Cache, North (4) AR

Bull Elk La Sal, La Sal Mountains (3) AW

Bull Elk Nine Mile Range Creek, South (1) PR

Bull Elk Panguitch Lake (5) MZ

Bull Elk Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (3) AW

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake , Thousand Lake (4) AR

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake , Thousand Lake (7) AW

Bull Elk South Slope, Diamond Mountain (2) AW

Bull Elk South Slope, Diamond Mountain (3) AW

Bull Elk South Slope, Diamond Mountain (4) AR

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (5) AW

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (6) MZ

Buck Pronghorn Cache, N. Rich (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Cache, N. Rich (3) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (7) AW

Buck Pronghorn San Rafael , N. (1) AW

Desert Bighorn Sheep Kaiparowits, East (1)

Desert Bighorn Sheep San rafael, Dirty Devil (1)

Desert Bighorn Sheep San Rafael , North (1)

Desert Bighorn Sheep San Rafael , South (1)

Rocky Mountain Goat Beaver (Female Only) (1)

Rocky Mountain Goat Beaver (Female Only) (2)

Cougar Central (1)

Cougar Northeast (1)

Cougar Northern Region (2)

Cougar Southern (1)

Turkey Central (5)

Turkey Central (6)

Turkey Northeast (2)

Turkey Northern (3)

Turkey Northern (4)

Turkey Southeast (4)

Turkey Southeast (5)

Turkey Southeast (6)

Turkey Southeast (7)

Turkey Southeast (8)

Turkey Southern (3)

Turkey Southern (4)

Turkey Southern (5)

Turkey Southern (6)

Turkey Southern (7)

Buck Deer Central (1) Season Choice

Buck Deer Southern (4) Season Choice

Rocky Mtn. Bighorn Sheep Box Elder, Newfoundland (1)

Rocky Mtn. Bighorn Sheep Nine Mile, Range Creek (1)

Desert Bighorn Sheep Kaiparowits, Escalante (1)

Rocky Mtn. Bighorn Sheep Book Cliffs, South (Rattlesnake) (1)

Mule Deer Foundation

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Little Creek (roadless) (4) AR

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (3) AW

Bull Elk Monroe (6) PR

Bull Elk Beaver (2) AW

Bull Elk Beaver (4) AR

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (1) PR

Bull Elk Cache, North (1) PR

Bull Elk Cache, North (3) AW

Bull Elk Cache, South (1) PR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (1) PR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (4) AR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (5) MZ

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (1) PR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (2) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (4) AR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (5) PR

Bull Elk Fillmore, Oak Cr. (1) PR

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (4) AR

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (6) PR

Bull Elk Monroe (4) AR

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (1) PR

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (2) AW

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (3) AW

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (4) AR

Bull Elk North Slope, Three Corners (1) PR

Bull Elk Oquirrh-Stansbury (1) PR

Bull Elk Panguitch Lake (2) AW

Bull Elk Panguitch Lake (3) AW

Bull Elk Panguitch Lake (4) AR

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake, Thousand Lake (2) AW

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake, Thousand Lake (6) PR

Bull Elk S. W. Desert (1) PR

Bull Elk San Juan (1) PR

Bull Elk San Juan (5) MZ

Bull Elk South Slope, Diamond Mountain (1) PR

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (1) PR

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (6) AW

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (2) SC

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (3) MZ

Buck Deer Fillmore, Oak Creek (2) SC

Buck Deer Henry Mountains (2) SC

Buck Deer La Sal, Dolores (1) SC

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (1) SC

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (2) SC

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (3) MZ

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (4) AR

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (6) AW

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (7) MZ

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (8) AR

Buck Deer Plateau, Thousand Lakes (1) SC

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (1) SC

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (2) SC

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (3) MZ

Buck Deer San Juan, Elk Ridge (2) SC

Buck Deer Statewide (1)

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (3) MZ

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (4) AR

Buck Pronghorn Book Cliffs, South (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Box Elder, Pilot Mountain (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Box Elder, Promontory (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Cache, N. Rich (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn N. Slope, West Daggett (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (3) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (4) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (5) AW

Buck Pronghorn S. Slope, Bonanza, Diamond (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn San Rafael, N. (3) AW

Buck Pronghorn Southwest Desert (2) AW

Rocky Mountain Goat Ogden, Willard (1)

Rocky Mountain Goat Ogden, Willard (Female Only) (1)

Bull Moose Cache (1)

Bull Moose Ogden (1)

Bear S. Slope, Vernal/Diamond/Bonanza (1)

Cougar Central (2)

Cougar Northern Region (1)

Cougar Northern Region (3)

Cougar Southern (2)

Cougar Southern (3)

Cougar Statewide (1)

Turkey Central (3)

Turkey Central (4)

Turkey Northeast (1)

Turkey Northern (5

Buck Deer Central (3) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northeastern (1) Season Choice

Buck Deer Southeastern (2) Season Choice

Antlerless Elk Central (3)

Antlerless Elk Central (4)

Antlerless Elk Northeast (1)

Antlerless Elk Northeast (2)

Antlerless Elk Northern (3)

Antlerless Elk Northern (4)

Antlerless Elk Southeast (3)

Antlerless Elk Southern (4)

National Wild Turkey Federation

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (7) AW

Bull Elk North Slope, Three Corners (2) AW

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (5) AW

Turkey Central (1)

Turkey Central (2)

Turkey Northern (1)

Turkey Northern (2)

Turkey Southeast (1)

Turkey Southeast (2)

Turkey Southeast (3)

Turkey Southern (1)

Turkey Southern (2)

Turkey Statewide (1)

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (2) AW

Bull Elk La Sal, La Sal Mountains (1) PR

Bull Elk Monroe (2) AW

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (4) AW

Buck Deer Paunsaugunt (5) AW

Buck Deer Southern (2) Season Choice

Buck Deer Southern (3) Season Choice

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (3) AW

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (5) MZ

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Little Creek (roadless) (1) PR

Bull Elk Cache, South (3) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (2) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (3) AW

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (2) AW

Bull Elk Monroe (3) AW

Bull Elk Panguitch Lake (1) PR

Bull Elk Paunsaugunt (1) PR

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake, Thousand Lake (1) PR

Bull Elk San Juan (2) AW

Bull Elk San Juan (3) AW

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (2) AW

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (5) AW

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (4) AR

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (2) SC

Buck Pronghorn Mt. Dutton, Paunsaugunt (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Pine Valley (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn West Desert, Riverbed (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn West Desert, Rush Valley (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn West Desert, Snake Valley (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn West Desert, Snake Valley (2) AW

Bison Henry Mountains, Cow Only (1)

Bear Chalk Creek - Kamas, W. Slope (1)

Bear Fillmore - Pahvant - Beaver (1)

Bear Panguitch Lake - Zion (1)

Buck Deer Southeastern (1) Season Choice

Antlerless Elk Central (1)

Antlerless Elk Central (2)

Antlerless Elk Northeast (4)

Antlerless Elk Northern (1)

Antlerless Elk Northern (2)

Antlerless Elk Southeast (1)

Antlerless Elk Southern (1)

Antlerless Elk Southern (2)

Antlerless Elk Southern (3)

Rocky Mtn. Bighorn Sheep Statewide (1)

Safari Club International

Bull Elk Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (5) MZ

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (1) SC

Buck Pronghorn Pine Valley (1) AW

Desert Bighorn Sheep Statewide (1)

Bear Nine mile, Anthro-Range Creek (1)

Bear Plateau, Boulder - Kaiparowits (1)

Buck Deer Southern (1) Season Choice

Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife

Buck Pronghorn San Rafael, Desert (1) AW

Bull Moose Cache (2)

Bull Moose North Slope, Summit (1)

Bull Moose North Slope, Summit (2)

Bull Moose Wasatch Mountains (1)

Bull Elk Beaver (1) PR

Bull Elk Beaver (3) AW

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (6) PR

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek - South (7) AW

Bull Elk Book Cliffs, Little Creek (roadless) (3) AW

Bull Elk Cache, Meadowville (1) PR

Bull Elk Cache, North (2) AW

Bull Elk Cache, South (2) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (6) PR

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Manti (8) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (3) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (6) AW

Bull Elk Central Mtns., Nebo (7) MZ

Bull Elk Fillmore, Oak Cr. (2) AW

Bull Elk Fillmore, Oak Cr. (3) AW

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (1) PR

Bull Elk Fillmore, Pahvant (5) MZ

Bull Elk La Sal, La Sal Mountains (2) AW

Bull Elk Monroe (1) PR

Bull Elk Monroe (5) MZ

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (5) MZ

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (6) PR

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (7) AW

Bull Elk Mt. Dutton (8) AW

Bull Elk Nine Mile, Anthro (1) PR

Bull Elk Oquirrh-Stansbury (2) AW

Bull Elk Paunsaugunt (2) AW

Bull Elk Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (1) PR

Bull Elk Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (2) AW

Bull Elk Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (4) AR

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake, Thousand Lake (3) AW

Bull Elk Plateau, Fish Lake, Thousand Lake (5) MZ

Bull Elk S. W. Desert (2) AW

Bull Elk S. W. Desert (3) AW

Bull Elk S. W. Desert (4) AR

Bull Elk San Juan (4) AR

Bull Elk Statewide (1) PR

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (3) MZ

Bull Elk Wasatch Mtns. (4) PR

Bull Elk West Desert, Deep Cr. (1) PR

Bull Elk West Desert, Deep Cr. (2) AW

Buck Deer Book Cliffs (1) SC

Buck Deer Cache, Crawford Mountain (1) MZ

Buck Deer Fillmore, Oak Creek (1) SC

Buck Deer Fillmore, Oak Creek (3) MZ

Buck Deer Henry Mountains (1) SC

Buck Deer Plateau, Thousand Lakes (2) SC

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (5) AW

Buck Deer S. Slope, Diamond (6) AW

Buck Deer San Juan, Elk Ridge (1) SC

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (6) AW

Buck Deer West Desert, Vernon (7) MZ

Buck Pronghorn Beaver (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Book Cliffs, South (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Mt. Dutton, Paunsaugunt (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Mt. Dutton, Paunsaugunt (3) AW

Buck Pronghorn N. Slope, West Daggett (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Nine Mile, Anthro (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Plateau (6) AW

Buck Pronghorn S. Slope, Bonanza, Diamond (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn San Rafael, N. (2) AW

Buck Pronghorn Statewide (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Southwest Desert (1) AW

Buck Pronghorn Southwest Desert (3) AW

Buck Pronghorn Southwest Desert (4) AW

Buck Pronghorn West Desert, Riverbed (2) AW

Rocky Mountain Goat N/S Slope - High Uintas West (1)

Rocky Mountain Goat Statewide (1

Rocky Mountain Goat Wasatch Mountains, Lone Peak (1)

Bull Moose Statewide (1)

Bull Moose Wasatch Mountains (2)

Bison Henry Mountains, Hunter's Choice (1

Bison Henry Mountains, Hunter's Choice (2

Bison Statewide (1)

Bear Book Cliffs (1)

Bear Central Mountains, Nebo (1

Bear Central Mountains, North (1)

Bear Central Mountains, South (1)

Bear LaSal (1)

Bear LaSal (2)

Bear Nine Mile, Anthro-Range Creek (2)

Bear S. Slope, Yellowstone (1)

Bear San Juan (1)

Bear San Juan (2)

Bear Statewide (1)

Bear Wasatch Mountains, Current Cr. (1)

Bear Wasatch Mountains, West (1)

Cougar Central (3)

Cougar Central (4)

Cougar Southeast (1)

Cougar Southern (4)

Cougar Southern (5)

Cougar Southern (6)

Turkey Central (7)

Turkey Central (8)

Turkey Northeast (3)

Turkey Northeast (4)

Turkey Northeast (5)

Turkey Northeast (6)

Turkey Northeast (7)

Turkey Northeast (8)

Turkey Northern (6)

Buck Deer Central (2) Season Choice

Buck Deer Central (4) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northeastern (2) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northeastern (3) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northeastern (4) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northern (1) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northern (2) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northern (3) Season Choice

Buck Deer Northern (4) Season Choice

Buck Deer Southeastern (3) Season Choice

Buck Deer Southeastern (4) Season Choice

Antlerless Elk Northeast (3)

Antlerless Elk Southeast (2)

Antlerless Elk Southeast (4)

Plus 100 More to be used for Land Owners.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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