Conners best Dall


Very Active Member
Came across this and it is called "Dads best Dall" Hard not to recognize Jack O'Conner ...great

Other than trying to get a desert sheep tag in my home state for like,,,FOREVER, i'm no sheep guy but seems i've not seen one like that before. If mine, i'd name him "Cream Jeans"! :)

BTW, I'm sure there were many other J.O. fans out there from long ago but when my Outdoor Life subscription arrived back in the 60's, i headed straight to my room and read the whole mag cover to cover paying particular to his adventures. Jack had the wonderful rare ability, back then anyway, to make me feel as if i was going with him, or that i was there, on his hunts sharing in his emotions and learning new neat stuff i hadn't considered before. He was by far my favorite writer.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey---I was the same way back then and absolutely idolized the man. I always had a good laugh because he was a college Prof. that could write so well and then there was old Elmer Keith that had just the opposite opinions on guns and ballistics. I read his book and it was really something! Jack was more on speed and buttle design, while old Elmer was one to lob the biggest chunk of lead at them that you could, LOL!
It is telling that one person could germinate such hunting passion in so many of us. Mr. O'Connor was a rare breed indeed.
Between classes at college I would hurry to the magazine archives and pour over the old Outdoor Life articles he masterfully penned.
I admired the man so much I even tried to look him up in Idaho while I was on my honeymoon. My new bride had no idea what she was getting herself into!
At any rate, that picture is of an amazing creature, and the ram isn't bad either!

Zeke is out right now trying to find one just like that for his daughter. Go get em Zekester!
Zeke and his daughter will come through, as that family is a dedicated bunch and they kill some awful nice animals!

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