Congratulations Canada



A big congrats to Canada for consecutive Silver medals in the World Juniors. How does that taste?

Take off eh! . . . . Hoser

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
wtf is a world junior??

The IIHF World Junior (U20) Ice Hockey Championships is the biggest deal in Canada save the Winter Olympics. It's nothing to the USA, but if you want to see how big a deal it is to Canada, just look at the biggest news orgs in Canada and you can see it's the #1 story. It was only the biggest tank-job in the history of the tourney. Last year the US went up there and ripped the gold right out from under them. This year team Canada cruised through the event and had a 3 - 0 lead, and blew it all in the 3rd period.

Sorry, I don't watch much hockey. I could care less one way or the other. Last hockey game I watched was Canada winning gold in Vancouver 2010. But to the life of me, I can't remember who they were playing? :)
It doesn't have anything to do with who won but WHO LOST. Canada thinks they rule the entire hockey world and that everyone else must bow down to them. They breezed through the entire tournament, and 2 periods in the championship game before they tanked and let Russia pour in 5 goals.

Good to see them lose in the Gold Medal game.....again.


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