Congrats (D) bags of California

I would be more worried about me spreading my seed in SOTHERN UTAH next month Copper!!
1911 said, "You just voted yourselves right out of bear hunting."

ah, that would be bear hunting "with the use of hounds"!

The Dems that come here and contribute in these pages are not the real enemy. They want hunting to continue just as much as the next guy.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yep, all us guys that hunt, fish, and love the outdoors should stand together and fight these anti-hunters!

Well, at least all of us that hunt should get together and fight these anti-hunters.

well, Those of us that are Republican and hunt should gather together and fight these anti-hunters.

well, Those of us that are Republican and hunt who live in certain states should gather together and fight these anti-hunters.

well, Those of us that vote blue, live in certain states and hunt DIY, fair chase only should stand together and fight these anti-hunters.

well, Those that live in certain states, go to the same church, vote the same, as long as they DIY fair chase, no high fence hunts, drive a Ford truck, and hunt with a bow only should stand together and fight these anti-hunters.

yep, we'll show them!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
No Paul, just trying to put it in terms that you can understand. When we divide our numbers we are weaker!!!!

How many teachers at that school you retired from were Dems? Probably a lot! Did you not go along with them when they voted for raises?

I happen to know several Dems that are life long outdoorsmen and totally against the anti's but some here would alienate them against our cause. Makes no sense to me!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I agree strongly with what Sage has to say. Many times on single issue items people with different political beliefs can come together. Hunting is one of those things.

As a guy that is running up on 60 years old I have seen our freedom in this country wittled away over the decades. We can't hunt lions in California but they are so thick that Fish and Game kills them in large numbers every year. I don't run dogs but now that is outlawed. I'm almost afraid to stop and fish a stream I don't know because I don't know if it might be barbless hooks, no bait, slot size or whatever. It all just keeps sliding away, what is next. You know that the anti's will keep fighting the fight, we need to stay together.
saw 3 bear a day over the last 2 weeks hunting 4 days each in the wilderness (not all that far in), every gut pyle hada bear on it!!
lots of bears!!
Sorry Joey....cant agree with you on this one. You're either part of the problem or part of the sollution. You cant vote for these jack azzes and then b!tch about the legislation they introduce. Fug em.
Hardway, where did i say that i was going to vote for any Dem? I'm not! But i take offense when holier than thou sits up on their perches and call "all" dem's D bags!!

Like i said, i have a couple friends and know others that are Dem's and lifelong outdoorsmen. They are on our side. Some guys that come here are dem's. They are on our side as well.

I'm not voting Dem's to office but i sure ain't going to call my buds Dirt bags because the are registered Dems!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That's just great. We can't chase bears or tree bobcats with hounds because it's so cruel, but we can't wait to introduce the majestic wolf and watch it chase down a elk and start eating it while it's still alive. Brilliant!

I actually emailed Governor Brown and respectfully asked him not to sign the bill. What a waste of time. You can't fix stupid.

Joey....Sorry, when I said "You" I was'nt reffering to you specifically. I'm not saying the guys you refer to are d-bags, but the people they vote for are. Gun rights and Hunting either are'nt that important democrat sportsman or they are ignorant of their actions. Either way I stand by what I said..... part of the problem or part of the sollution.
OK, i'm part of the problem!!

I'll stand by, alongside, and back to back, with my friend, one hell of a MAN, anytime over someone who can't see other than political preference!

Sometimes there are some here that make me ashamed to be a Republican. This is one of those times!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
How's that working out for them in the political sportsmen arena out West there? Their rights are eroding away in front of their very eyes. Lets not pretend it is something that it is not. This week the end all to bear hunting salesman just stuck his foot in your front door. He's not stopping there. You have a director of F&G get in punitive backlash for legally harvesting a cougar outside of the political boundaries of the state he is employed in. Ask yourself where this is coming from. There is a single central political powerhouse that furthers this anti hunting agenda. If you're not pissed off about it you damn well should be. Not sure how me pointing out the obvious makes me self righteous but if it does so be it. We our selling our hunting legacy down the river and there is no stopping the ball now that it is rolling. I just hope what they are gaining is worth what they are losing. There mere conclusion that you should take offense to the premise of my post and not take offense to your most recent loss of cherished freedom, and those who empower such moves, is as startling as it is disturbing.

Those who elect such dim wits into office, who further this agenda are de facto, in bed with the enemy. These sportsman, as righteous as they may perceive their intentions to be, are going to Neville Chamberlain themselves right out of a heritage.

1911 said, "Lets not pretend it is something that it is not."

Yeah, then why did you say in your OP that bear hunting is over? It's not, just the hunting of bear and bobcat with hounds is now against the law. In your own words, "Lets not pretend it is something that it is not."

"Ask yourself where this is coming from"

It's coming from the anti-hunting faction that are growing throughout our country as we speak, none of which contribute or are members to this website!! Yes, most are libs but not all.

"If you're not pissed off about it you damn well should be"

Where the hell have you been since i've been on this page? I can't tell you how many threads by a bunch of upset people that we have had on just this type of subject.

"Not sure how me pointing out the obvious makes me self righteous but if it does so be it."

If you think as you say that "all" Dems are dirtbags, you obviously think that you are better than they are. Figure it out!

"We our selling our hunting legacy down the river and there is no stopping the ball now that it is rolling."

Real bright of you to notice. Again, tell us something that we haven't hashed over again and again.

"There mere conclusion that you should take offense to the premise of my post and not take offense to your most recent loss of cherished freedom, and those who empower such moves, is as startling as it is disturbing."

The premise of your post was a lie. We did not lose Bear hunting!! Still, we all hate losing one little bit of what we had but until someone steps up to fight the attacks from this anti-hunting community, we're going to take some hits against our hunting as we know it.

"Those who elect such dim wits into office, who further this agenda are de facto, in bed with the enemy."


If you really believe that by posting a few comments on MM against all Dems, the Anti-hunting faction, or myself, that you or anyone else is going to change the political make-up of the Calif legislation, here's some news, it ain't soon going to happen.

Nice of you to drop by, post up a blatant lie and to stir the pot but too little too late. As i said, this has been going on for years and so far, no amount of our collective outrage, fighting with our countless communications and phone calls to those in office, has helped the matter and it won't until there is organization and our own political base to fight fire with fire.

Joe I think some hunter going bear hunting and thinking their going to get a bear is pretty slim,but with the bear population getting bigger a guy could bag one getting into his backyard looking for food.
264, Yeah, it's a shame that the hound guys have to take this hit to their sport. I've had a blast chasing the dogs when after wild pigs out of my ol stompin grounds down Livermore way. I've a good lifelong friend who runs hounds for the State who still lives there, not sure if this will impact him much or not.

As far as Bear numbers, i really believe that there are almost as many bear around here as there are deer. Without hardly looking, i see lots of bear sign every time i get out and i'm seeing a few bears every hunting season. That in itself is something that didn't used to happen. I went years before i finally came across a bear in the wild. Now i see them every year, as if it is no big deal, and for every one a guy sees, he might be scaring off a couple dozen.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
...not one of the politicians that supported this and pushed it through ever got one of my votes...never. Can you say the same eldorko???....liberals like you ARE the problem.
Not one Democrat voted against this Bill even those that are hunters,just goes to show you they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.
I have always loved the outdoors and have fished and hunted since I can remember. That will never change and my support for the hunting community will never waver regardless of how I'm perceived by some here on MM. Yes, a Dem can also enjoy and care about the things we love and hold dear as sportsmen. I pray that in that regard we are no different.

Y'all better stop talkin smack about Sage's man, he's gettin upset.
And Sage, it's not dirt. It's douche (pronounced Doooosh). Dems are doooosh bags. The idiot running this state didn't appoint himself, he was voted in. By doooosh bags.

You talk about uniting against anti hunters, wtf do you think Jerry Brown is??? And who voted for him again?..........Anyone?.........Anybody? That's right, doooosh bags.
Shame that some believe in a political "litmus test". I shudder to think what this could mean for the hunting community as a whole.

shudder all you want eldorko. It must be hard to have to vote the way you do to protect your government job....yet know you are stabbing yourself in the back supporting the leftist fools that support taking away the things you love to do.

Freedom isn't free dumbass......

Eldorado, in reality you are the enemy of hunters and firearms owners. What makes it worse is you clothe yourself in sheeps clothing pretending to be one of us. How many democrats have you voted for that are proven anti gun or anti hunting?

I will give you the same advice I gave Ziggy and Piper. You should consider leaving this hunting site and find one that agrees with your true values.

But I will retract that statement if you can honestly say you have never voted for a democrat that is anti hunting or anti gun by their voting record.

Cali is a crazy state with the mindset it has. You know the saying "as goes california, so goes the nation". Well I sure hope that isn't the case for hunting, but I fear it might be.

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