Congrat's Bronc's

That was a great game, my nails are beeding and i had to take a sedative the last two minutes!!
DB defense looked TOUGH!!!!!


You know I don't want to rub your nose in it cause I kind of like you, BUT, that was pretty sweet.

I crawled out of the bottom of the Black Canyon today after four days of fine fishing just in time to watch the second half.

I agree with you slam that was a hell of a game and the last 2 minutes was pretty tense.. well right down to the last couple of seconds actually. I really enjoy games like that.

Now if the Steelers can stomp on the Chargers tonight, the Donkeys will be looking good in their division!

No ringtails. A mouse chewed a hole through my brothers pack though. He was some kind of irritated about it since it was brand new and was hanging from a tree.

Way to go Broncs!! We are just a QB away from being a serious contender. I am NOT sold on Orton at all but the O-Line played well and they are running the ball well. I'll take 4-0 fo sho!

And yep the Steelers held out against the Bolts so the lead is now commanding and the Raiders and Chiefs just look sorry. I like the way it is shaking up!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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