Confused about elk units 126 and 129...


Active Member
For unit 126 it says, "general license; any elk valid in all of Converse and Niobrara Counties, excluding lands within other described and numbered elk areas."
I can't find any part of unit 126 that isn't in Converse or Niobrara Counties. Why wouldn't they just say "unit 126"? Same thing for unit 129. None of that unit is outside of the counties listed. Am I seeing that right or are my map reading skills rusty?

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"
Nope, your map skills are fine! I have no idea why they would put it that way unless they want to make it clear that you can't go into units 3, 113, 122, etc. on that general license where those units are within those two counties. Maybe those surrounding units are where people have been caught trying to use general tags and they are emphasizing that. No matter where you hunt you should know the unit boundaries so there is no chance you will violate the area your tag is good for.
Thanks, Topgun! I didn't think I was missing anything but I thought it was rather redundant.

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-12 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]"I have no idea why they would put it that way unless they want to make it clear that you can't go into units 3, 113, 122, etc. on that general license where those units are within those two counties."

That sounds like the reason.

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