Computer Question


Very Active Member
I need to get a laptop for my wife for school. I want to be able to store a bunch of music and pictures on it also. I plan on getting into wildlife photography and would like to have an edit program on it as well.
I am currently looking at dell, but don't know much about computers.
Any suggestions?


I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
My personal preference is an HP because of the great service I've gotten from them in the past on all of the HP stuff I already own. Plus, prices for the major brands are usually comparable, given like features in each.

That said, the requisites you listed have little to do with the computer brand name. What you need to be most concerened about is the size of the hard drive in any one that you buy. That is what designates the amount of storage for music, pix, etc. And large HDs are available in every computer brand.

As for editing photos, there is lots of software available that will do a good job. Some are free and others, such as Photoshop cost extra. Even the editing program that come with a digital camera is usually good enough for most uses.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
What would be the minimum size hardrive I should look for?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
For music and pictures I like an external hard drive like a passport 500 Gb. Then you can move it from computer to computer, lock it in a safe, anything you need. But be damn sure to back it up to a second location! Especially for pictures.
I would highly recommend a Mac book. Its easy to run and picture and music friendly.
Once you go Mac you'll never go back!

Had a mac book paid eleven hundred dollars for it, it crashed apple wanted close to eight hundred to fix it.

Bought a dell it crashed hundred and thirty dollar's to fix and im using it now.

Just wanted to share.
When I get home I kiss my mom
And she fixes me a snack
And I head down to my basement bedroom
And fire up my mac

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>Once you go Mac you'll never
>go back!

Cuz you can't find your way and no one will help you cuz you're the only one using a Macntrash. :)
That's about what I use mine for, music for making MP3s and storage space for pictures.

I have about 4500 songs and maybe 500 pictures (and rising). So far, plenty of room on my 500GB internal drive. I second the notion of getting an external hard drive, maybe even a 1TB. Makes it a lot easier to back up your stuff in case of a crash.

Picture maniupulation...Photo shop gets good reviews; I just bought a Roxio program so I could fool around with my movies/DVDs. Gotta install it tonight.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Gee, I wonder what kind of system JB uses with all his pictures etc.???

JB uses an array of external hard drives that are cataloged and categorized alphabetically. A for anal, B for blow, C for cu... well you get the idea. He told me he uses external storage because if the vice squad ever shows up it's easier to throw them into the fire. :)

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
You are asking the wrong bunch here. They don't crap about computers, But they can fix all the stuff wrong with SFW. LOL
You need to ask some teenager they know a lot about computers.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I prefer laptops to a desktop model. You can buy much more power in a desktop than a comparibly priced laptop but I take my laptop everywhere.

Dells are fine. I had a few of them.
HP I'll do without. I've had a few but no more.
Compaq's suck. I've had 3 of them and they all died.
I now prefer Sony.

You will be buying on price point.
$700 will get you win7 64, core duo and 4 gig ram
most will have 300-500 gig HD's
My Sony came with BlueRay DVD player, some in the same price point will not.
Most have built in cameras.

Buy a USB drive and use it. Actually buy 2 and use them.
MacBook ease of operation itunes great for music, iphoto also is much more user friendly than most. No Viruses which I'm always updating protection software on my Dell. My wife has an HP and the Mac beats all three in all aspects.
It's the Mac attack!!

I've always wanted to say it and here was my chance. WORD!!

Don't let the price play too much of a roll in what you buy. You can buy a 2GB computer for $370 but then upgrade that for $80 to make it 3GB. I use my cheapo Compaq laptop for my real estate business. I keep all of my family pictures, my daughters itunes stuff, my real estate docs/files on it. It will be difficult to use up that much room on a computer. You don't HAVE to spend a lot. Go to Office Depot and talk to one of the nerds there....they will talk your ear off and you'll learn a lot. No offense to the nerds...

"Get that corn out of my face"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-10 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]Wizzer, I am told that there is a distinction between a nerd and a geek. Nerd is the kid with the pocket protector you picked on in school. A geek is the guy with the nice computer who is really pretty smart, yet cool, that the chicks dig.

And this geek is gonna tell you that saying things like 2 gb is this or that only makes you look like one of those guys who tries to be the expert about a subject he knows just enough about to get himself in trouble.
I purchased a Dell laptop for my wife and it works well for what she needs it for, email, word processing, and photos.
I don't believe hard drive capacity is a real issue if you have a external hard drive to use for storage for photos, documents, backup, etc.

We always take her laptop with us when we travel along with a small external hard drive (about the size of a hand held calculator) and we download all of the photos we took that day and transfer them to the external drive. We bought this at Costco and I think it was about $70 - $80.

We use a Corel photo editing program and it does all we need and than some and it's a lot of fun. I looked at Adobe Photohop but it is rather pricey and I think unless your a professional photographer there are a lot of less expensive photo editing programs available that will do what you need.

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