computer question



I am hooking up my new computer tonite. How can I save my favorites list to the new computer ?? Type real slow cause I'm nearly computer iliterate.


This is a statement my nephew sent to me two years ago when I was thinking of buying a new unit.

I will be going through this same thing this fall as I need a new machine when I switch to COMCAST.

You may want to get a migration software, to transfer you saved files, email addresses, internet favorites, etc. from the old computer to the new one. I tried one when I gave mom my old one, but it didn't work to well. It could have been the software I chose (PC relocater). You can get the software from Dell if you chose to when you order your new one.

Good luck JB,

I have an external hard drive for backup. Can't I save them there ?? I just don't know how to put them there.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-07 AT 00:07AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-07 AT 00:03?AM (MST)

I am sorry for the late reply I been doing research on how to transfer files/settings to a different computers, If you have a USB data cable that will be the easiest ways. I will try to find out how to transfer with the external hardrive.

Edit: you can save them to your external hard drive and transfer them that way.

Edit: You can also send them as attachment in your email to your self.
You can also save them on a disk and open them in your new computer? Good Luck

If I knew how to save them on a disk I wouldn't have started this thread !!

JB, just enter them manually when your new computer is set up. There's only two. bigboobs and monstermuleys. com

LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-07 AT 04:11PM (MST)[p]What kind of web browser are you using?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-07 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-07 AT 04:42?PM (MST)

Your internet favotites are in C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Favorites. Just save that off somewhere and paste back in the same directory on your new computer.

For Email, If your are using Outlook Express, navagate to C:\Program Files\Outlook express\... Copy the wab file. That is your contact info.

If you have microsoft Outlook, I think that the file you want ends in .php I would have to be on a computer that has Outlook to comfirm this.

looks like we were typing at the same time, let me know if that helps

Good luck


I sent something to your address day before
yesterday, and it said it didn't exist.

I figured you'd had a gut-full of my crap,
which I can certainly understand.

d13er did you get it fixed? If not do you have a cd or dvd burner on your computer?
Man, just get Acronis True Image or Nortons Ghost and clone your old hard drive to a new one. All you software stays the same. It is an exact copy of your system placed onto the new HD.

I have done it many times upgrading to a larger hard drive.

It saves alot of time reloading all your s/w and other items.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-07 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]D13,

In case you haven't figured it out yet:

On your old computer, use Windows Explorer -- the FILE management program -- to view C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Favorites. Highlight either the entire folder on the left or the files on the right, do a right click and COPY. Then right click and PASTE it to your external drive.

When you set up your new one, use the same right click, COPY from the external drive and right click PASTE to C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Favorites folder. NOTE: If you copied the entire FOLDER, you should delete the new one before pasting the one from your external drive into folder under your name. -TONY

P.S. - Hawk -- If he is switching to a different OS, such as going to Vista from W2000, cloning the HD won't work well. He will have to reinstall everything to the new platform.
D13er, I'll PM you the instructions on how to post photo's on the MM web site. (especially handy when you really want to ruin someone's life) <smirk>


post script: you didn't really keep those photo's, did you???
I believe you are correct...

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