compound season vs. traditional season



whats the thought on having a separate season for compound vs. traditional equipment?

Traditional gets the rut hunts, compound wide open for every other hunt, less wounded/lost animals without "weekend/cabelas" compound hunters out in the woods, only reason they are there is that no gun season is open when its easiest to hunt............
I think it's a bad idea. Longbows and recurves take alot of serious practice and devotion.I believe there would be alot of joe blow hunters buying recurves and just slinging arrows at game.There would be ALOT of wounded game for a hunt like this.

The archery success rate is low already. The only difference between Compound and Traditional is an additional 10-20 yd Effective, ethical range. I feel that the choice to go trad is best reserved for archers who have the intense desire to be more basic in their approach to hunting, rather than legislated.

Regardless of the method used, there will always be a small contingent of slob hunters. I find that they don't get much further tham a mile off the road, so I lose most of them by the time I'm 1/3 of the way to where I want to be hunting.

Besides, the decision to hunt ethically, and honorably is made by the individual. Lets keep the ethics, and method of take a personal decision, rather than a legislated one.
Bad idea. It would lead to more seperation and devision amongst us. We need to unite not segragate.
Well, I hunt with both weapon styles and I'd have to agree.....bad idea. We (hunters) are divided enough already. Remember, divide and conquer is not a good political stradegy to ensure future gain. JMO

BOHNTR )))---------->
I shoot both types and think this is a really bad idea as well. Like Black Timber said. United we stand, splintered into 40 different seasons and we are fair game for the nutters.

I have to vote no on this one. In addition to splintering the archers it would open the door for other specialized seasons creating more issues.
Oregon has a couple of traditional only hunts - which is kind of nice for the trad guys. Even so, I agree with others here that bowhunters are better off when they stick together and work for common seasons. Given the intent of the so-called animal rights crowd to specifically target bowhunting, we cannot afford division within our ranks.
As the PETA folks like to say DIVIDE AND CONQUER....

Worst idea I have ever herd :(
"I believe there would be alot of joe blow hunters buying recurves and just slinging arrows at game.There would be ALOT of wounded game for a hunt like this."

Unfortunately I see too much of this with modern equipment anyway. Ethical problems relate to the hunter, not the equipment. I agree, lets keep everyone together.

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