Compared Euros vs. Razors yesterday



After much research into mid priced glass i decided to give the 10x42 vortex razors a try. My buddy went with the Cabelas Euros in 10x42. (made by MeoStar by the way)

We stacked them on top of each other and looked at various targets for the last hour of daylight.

There were two things we noticed.
You could see a color shade difference in a bright green field and red colored cows.The euros colors seemed brighter. The razors lost the light a little quicker than the Euros did.
Did the differences make up for the extra $200 price for the Euros? I guess thats debateable.

We are both satisfied though.

Have bow will travel
I have looked through both these binos alot.. the one down side to the razors is the eyecups. i dont like how easy them move. always seem to be in a diffrent position everytime i bring them up to glass..
I Purchased 10 x 50 Meopta Earlier In The Year And After Antelope Hunting With Them They Are Awesome Early And Late Worth The Money! Gordon

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