Comments may affect Endangered Status of Wolf


Very Active Member
If you have not already, then consider submitting your comments regarding the USFWS proposal to delist the gray wolf at immediately. The period for accepting comments closes October 28. Tell a friend.
FYI though, don't go on there spouting 3rd, 4th 5th etc... hand information. Just use simple facts and keep your emotion out of it. By crying that wolves are out there hunting your kids on a daily basis will get your response ignored...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Done and done.

Regardless if our comments will change the outcome of this proposal it is imperative that we, sportsmen and wildlife conservationists, have our voices heard. So many times are we sitting on the side line while anti-hunting and environmental activists get all the attention. I feel most sportsmen take our wildlife resources for granite and don't realize how much we have to fight for it so it isn't eliminated. For this manner I feel strongly that we need to unite and participate in EVERY wildlife and hunting related political and policy event. I know it seems daunting and boring to pay attention to all the legal battles regarding wildlife. However if we don't I know we will come to realize that our hunting heritage is all but gone.
For this matter please comment on this ruling. I will even write your comment for you!!
I also replied.

I also agree that, while we profess to be tough guys, most hunters leave it to someone else to fight their battle.
There is a whole lot of biotching and moaning on this forum about how few animals have been seen, but the same complainers never seem to put their money where their mouth is.
I read lots of the comments about this issue and most of them are from little old ladies who think wolves are just big pets.

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