Coming Soon to an Area Near You!


Long Time Member
First here where i'm at, then there where you're at, don't know about you but i'm just not ready for another 4-5 months of this stuff again;

"Snow levels are forecast to lower to around 1500 to 2500 feet later Saturday into Sunday. There is the potential for significant
accumulating snowfall over the west slopes of the northern Sierra
Nevada and over the northern mountains with a foot or more snow
above 4000 feet and two to four feet of snow above 6000 feet. For
the foothills 3 to 6 inches of snowfall will be possible above
2000 feet this weekend. Some light amounts of snow may even fall
in parts of Redding Sunday night. Rainfall amounts are expected to
be 1 to 2 inches in the valley and 2 to 3 inches in the foothills with the majority of the precipitation falling this weekend."

Besides this, they're forecasting snow for the next 5 days,.. at least. Crap! :)

Joey, time to trade your plumber's putty for your snow board!:)

Throw another log on the fire. We'll all hang out here for the winter!

The first snow kinda signifies that Christmas is just around the corner. Chilly weather, blazing fire in the fire place, hot chocolate with marshmallows and wrapping gifts with the kids. Here is one of my favorite Christmas oldies...

"Get that corn out of my face"
lol, i can't help but laugh...Thanks!!

The good news is, tomorrow is the first night of our Winter time, every other week Poker game.

I live two blocks down the street across from those bare cottonwoods. This is just a average day around here in the winter. Sometimes there is a LOT more snow than this!!


Man, this is getting old!! :)

Joey, you need to move from that higher area to around the 1800 hundred elevation like me. I will get 2-3 light dustings of snow per year and 2 inches once every 5 years. About 5-6 inches once every 15 years.
The 2-3 inches will last about 48 hours before melting away.
Just enough to love it and not have to shovel it.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-10 AT 00:23AM (MST)[p]I'm jealous you already have that much snow!! I just got a new snowmobile and am waiting very impatiently for the snow to start falling here!! That pic looks hella cold too!!

Good luck at the poker game too btw!! Rob em blind :)

RELH, The plan is to move someplace next year but i don't think it'll be to far from where i'm at now. I'm looking for a little place i can pay off, still run my existing business, and live debt free in the semi retirement i'll need to exist in. Chester real Estate though down is still out of my Pocketbook range...maybe Westwood! I have long admired that Orville area, Lake Shasta too, agree that it has a lot going for it!

Z, That pic was from the first snow last year, sorry if i mis-lead!

The Game, yes... I really do look forward to playing again. We have lost about half of our steady crew through health or worse reasons. Some were very tough players and I miss those guys a bunch! Unfortunately, the game, dollar limit 3 raises, has gotten easier and is now usually pretty easy to beat. I think i lost once, not much, all last year and am having a harder and harder time being the "big winner" gracefully. Deal em! :)

I seldom trust anybody who uses snow for entertainment. There is just something....I don't know, dare I say "gay" about snow recreation?

Snow was designed to move deer and elk. After that it is just dry water with no fish in it.

Fire away.
Let it Snow...always reminds me of the ending of Die Hard2 w/ Bruce Willis

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Anybody want to help pour concrete between storms when it's above 25 degrees? I know I live for it ...NOT!!!!!!!
The problem with winter sports is that - follow me closely here - they generally take place in winter.

let it snow.
Joey now you know how those guys in the midwest live. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-10 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]The backcountry is meant to be used year round. Put on a pack and bring a good bag, earn your turns.

A couple of my friends just before making first tracks on tele skis, 12,500' and miles from the nearest road.
So far, it's not been too bad. We got about a foot between yesterday and last night but it's settled down to a very wet and slushy 6". If it don't get any worse, not likely with the weather report, we might be able to look forward to this melting off before winter sets in in earnest.

Thanks for the comments guys...even those of you who don't have to deal with the stuff days on end on a regular basis. One friend who has been out of good work is ready to pour a big foundation that may save his house and business. It's a 200 yd pour. Now he's not sure if the owner is going to go ahead or wait until spring...

My business is not quite so weather related but the snow brings on the slow, very slow, time of year for me and lots of other tradesmen too. It's easy to believe a guy should be able to "bank" during the super nice weather 6 month period when all the people are up living and vacationing in this country but with the economy and few housing starts, nobody really "banks" much anymore, just doing good to have decent cash flow. Those with full time, 12 months a year steady jobs, be thankful!

Sometimes living in Gods Country and near the beautiful and vast great outdoors, ain't all it's cracked up to be!

Joey, we got about 3/4-1 inch last night and here it is 10:27 A.M. and it is all melted. I know you did not want to hear that. You mentioned about moving to the Oroville area. That may be a good move on your part job wise. Also if you are good at the handyman jobs, you might just stay more busy then you want when words gets out on having fair wages and doing good work.

You would also be close to some good fishing and will not have to give that up on your move. Get on the out skirts of Oroville and you can find decent prices on land or homes and some rentals. Just stay out of Huntingtons for your gun buying, they have the highest prices around and charge full manufacture suggested retail price on their new guns.

I saw some snow once here in TX-thought a drug running plane from Mexico was dumping his load.....
RELH, Thanks for the info. I really doubt i'd care to move full time off the mountain and away from the life i've carved out here but you make really good points and this next move, hopefully, will be my last.

We got another easy foot of snow overnight! Messy, heavy stuff!

CBeard, So you know, it's guys like you that make me cringe when they say, "let it snow, let it snow" :)


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