Comic CD



I'm looking for a funny (language doesn't offend) CD for a camping/fishing trip. We've listened to Roy D Mercer, and Jerry Clower, and would like to hear something new. Throw me some ideas.

If language doesn't offend try Rodney Carrington. If it does... STAY AWAY!!! The guy gets me to where I can't breathe from laughing so hard.
+3 for Rodney Carrington, just don't listen while you are driving, I almost ran off the road into a river last year laughing so hard. And don't listen to it with your wife!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-08 AT 11:29PM (MST)[p]Billy Joe Prator (spelling)?
Is another good one if you can find him Rodney is good as gold too.

"If it moves shoot it again"
Thanks guys, i think Rodney may be the way to go, but keep the ideas coming!

I recently bought Rodney Carrington CD's and my wife (who never laughs)laughed. I ended up burning about 7 copies and giving to friends and family including my parents.

Ron White Rodney C or Dave chappelle if your rich and have a tv then get chappelles show and watch that its classic!

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya

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