Come Voice Your Opinion on the Conservation Permit Rule


Long Time Member
Just a reminder that the Utah Wildlife Board Meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday June 6th at 9:00 a.m. The Board will be considering the DWR's proposed revision to the Conservation Permit Rule that effectively authorizes the DWR's prior violations of the rule. See

If you believe that there should be hard caps in place on the number of Conservation Permits that can be taken out of the public draw and sold to the highest bidder then please come voice your opinion. The DWR has been ignoring those caps and now they are proposing to change the rule. I have also included a link to a prior thread discussing this issue at the RAC meetings. See


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-12 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]I doubt it will be a full house. Im sure it will only have the top guys who receive some sort of pay check from sfw who will be attending then throw in a few guys who represent other organizations. Im going to say 20-30 tops

what we need is a poll. a poll for actual hunters where all you have to enter your hunter id number to allow you to take the poll. you can only vote once and you have to have an id number. This way it represents what the majority of the hunters not what the majority of who gets paid to be there wants.

The economy is tight and it is simply not possible for everyone to go to all these stupid rac meetings where your even existence doesn't mean crap.

>AT 08:18?AM (MST)

>I doubt it will be a
>full house. Im sure it
>will only have the top
>guys who receive some sort
>of pay check from sfw
>who will be attending then
>throw in a few guys
>who represent other organizations. Im
>going to say 20-30 tops
>what we need is a poll.
>a poll for actual hunters
>where all you have to
>enter your hunter id number
>to allow you to take
>the poll. you can only
>vote once and you have
>to have an id number.
>This way it represents what
>the majority of the hunters
>not what the majority of
>who gets paid to be
>there wants.
>The economy is tight and it
>is simply not possible for
>everyone to go to all
>these stupid rac meetings where
>your even existence doesn't mean

Yeah, you're probably right Scott. I try to remain optimistic though. I'm afraid the hunting publics' perception of how the RAC/WB system of input works is most likely warrented. Although I have only been back in Utah 6 short years, it didn't take me long to see how things are, and it wasn't a great picture.

I do like the idea of having the UDWR/WB join the electronic information/communication age. I'm sure a secure and effective system could be developed whereby public input through this venue could become very effective and relevant, with public input becoming much more of a factor in hunter/wildlife management. I do know they recieve a fair amount of emails, but I don't know how much value the RAC/WB put in those. In fact, I think I will bring it up to the UWC Board for their next meeting and see what could come of it, thanks.

Personally, I would like to see a huge reduction in Conservation tags. I understand that they raise a substantial amount of money, but it goes against a couple of my ideals. A conservation/deer/wildlife stamp could be sold to make up that money, and I would think if hunters know for sure that money was being spent as intended, they wouldn't have much of a problem paying for it each year, who knows?
I would also like to see a reduction in tags!

It makes me sick to know that on some of these sheep units 30% of the tags were auction tags.

Utah has more auction tags then all of the other states put together. You would think we would have the best hunting in the west.

I don't hold with the sale of public wildlife to the highest bidder, regardless of the so-called benefits from said sales. But given the realities of this money maker for some, I would hope that fewer tags are sold and that a firm cap is eventually placed.

This tag money train is going to be hard to derail, same with the expo tags. The fish and game dept. is hooked hard on relying on that money and those that benefit from auctioning them off will fight hard to keep them (and have the clout to do it)! Maybe with so many hunters being vocal about them somebody will listen and do something about it. But I won't hold my breath!x(
There are other options that do not cater to a small segment of hunters.
The only benefactors of the current plan are: guides, and their clients.

-same as Idaho and most states, one tag per species and then Super Tag the rest in a separate draw.

- increase the price of tags slightly, won't take much to make up the money.

I wonder what percentage of the Guided Hunts in this state are with tags outside of the general draw?

I know one thing, we should not be selling thousands of tags like we are today.
Didn't know that there were thousands of tags being sold. I also know from the RAC and Wildlife Board meetings that the DWR has no desire to take over a setup for them to handle the tags. They say they would have to hire more people to run the program and it just adds to their expense. There is no question that the DWR likes the setup now and the way it works. I would hope that people would attend the Wildlife Board meeting if possible. Not many do but if it is something big like last year where they talked about the 30 units the place was packed. That showed that if people really want to attend, they make it happen.
No worries Birdman. There are changes in the wind and only a year or so out. But, with all your personal knowledge, I'm sure already know about it. I agree with you and hope lots of hunters show up to the B meetings.
Just sent a email to all the board members (I can't make the meeting) to ask them to stick with the 5% cap, and drop the new confusing chart with much higher than 5% in a lot of places.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-12 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]Great idea. If you are unable to attend to Wildlife Board meeting on Wednesday but would still like to comment on the proposed changes to the Conservation Permit Rule, you can email your comments to the Wildlife Board. The following email address will send an email to the entire Board: [email protected]


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
>AT 09:30?AM (MST)

>Great idea. If you are
>unable to attend to Wildlife
>Board meeting on Wednesday but
>would still like to comment
>on the proposed changes to
>the Conservation Permit Rule, you
>can email your comments to
>the Wildlife Board. The
>following email address will send
>an email to the entire
>Board: [email protected]
>Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
>Winchester Apex .50 Cal
>Mathews Drenalin LD

Just to avoid any confusion. The meeting is scheduled for WEDNESDAY June 6th (not Tuesday). Don't want someone to make a long drive to arrive a day early.

Thanks for your efforts Hawkeye.
I am not able to travel to SLC to the meeting, however, wish I could. I did send the email out to the board. Hopefully everyone else will do the same.
Will this be another case of where SFW higher ups will be there pressing their case for more tags? If that is the case, I hope a bunch of you guys can convince the Board that they are not speaking for the bulk of you Utah guys!
>Will this be another case of
>where SFW higher ups will
>be there pressing their case
>for more tags? If
>that is the case, I
>hope a bunch of you
>guys can convince the Board
>that they are not speaking
>for the bulk of you
>Utah guys!

I'm sure all orgs with CONCERNS will be represented TG. }>
Gotta say that SFW supported the hard cap of 5% on all species but sheep at the Northern RAC. They had said they were ok with that cap. I have had plenty of disagreements with SFW over the years, but I give them credit for their stance on the "all other species".

I think the UDWR presentation will be accepted as presented. Who knew "a maximum of 5%" can really = 1 of 11...... Rules shhmmules.


Packout---That's good to hear if they stay with it at the meeting. However, it sounds like you think the rules violation that's been going on will be changed and allowed legally. Is that what you're saying?

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