Comanche Moon


Very Active Member
You boy's ready for this Mini-series ??

Starts 1/14, if I'm not mistaken. This is Call and Gus
before Lonesome Dove. Back in the young years when they
were makeing Rangers.

Lot's of Indians in this one, and the shoot'em up factor
should be fairly high. Val Kilmer plays an old throw'd off
Texas Ranger Captain, and I think they filmed alot of the
movie on his ranch in New Mexico.

I'll be there. I'm always up for a GOOD western.
Hopefully, this one won't disappoint us.

If it's Really good, then we'll need to watch Lonesome
Dove over again.

And who really needs an excuse for that.....

Great post ive, you can bet your arse i'll be watchin it!!

I just watched Lonesome Dove two weeks ago so i could "brush up".

Can't wait!! :)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
You sure commanche Moon isn't the one when call is an old man and hooks up with lorina, pea eyes wife ?

No, that aint it JB.

Wifey's reading it right now, and it's the early years.

Looks like it's gonna be pretty good.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm with'ya Ransom.

J.B., You're thinking about either Streets of Laredo or
Dead Man's Walk. I can't recall which one.

must be streets of loredo because they weren't even rangers yet in Dead Man's walk

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-07 AT 09:10PM (MST)[p]Streets of Laredo is the last book in the series, yes when Pea Eye is married to Lorena. Comanche Moon is as much about Buffalo Hump and the other Comanche as it is about Call and Gus. It is BY FAR my favorite of the series and in many regards the best piece of literature of all the them, maybe only rivaled by the original Lonesome Dove.

Great books - there were a lot of trivia questions about them in our little trivia game early on in the year!

I would love to watch it, unfortunately probably going to get really really busy really really soon and won't have the time. They could never capture all that the book tells anyway.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
So.......if you were inclined to read the books, the chronology actually starts with "Dead Man's Walk", then "Comanche Moon", then "Lonesome Dove" and finishes with "Streets of Laredo".

Argueably 4 of the best books you can read.

It is really amazing that Larry McMurtry could write Lonesome Dove first and then the others and be able to tie them all together so well. I have all the books in hardback and Lonesome Dove, Dead Man's Walk and Streets of Laredo on CD. Will soon have Comanche Moon.....

I still believe that Lonesome Dove is the best thing that has EVER been filmed and I hope Comanche Moon will be half as good.
>Hard to believe Larry McMurtry is

Are you kiddin' me? Not so hard to believe when you consider he wrote the best chick flick/book EVER! Little book made into a movie called "Terms of Endearment". Aurora Greenway? Ever heard of HER? Come on, now, JB. Not so hard to believe. LOL

My husband CRINGES whenever that movie comes on but he is nice and throws me a roll of toilet paper to blow my nose on when I start crying and heads for the bedroom TV and ESPN. LOL

"You're my touchstone, Emma!" *sob! sob! sob!*
"I KNOW you love me, Tommy."(dying mother to her son) *wahhhhhhhh!*

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"
>Yeah, I know but I can't
>get the picture of him
>out of my head.........late at
>nite, trying to finish lonesome
>dove....writing about Gus with a
>big throbbing blue veiner in
>his hand.....OMG, I'm getting the
Well...there IS something about Gus all men seem to like. You're all crazy about him and those movies full of men McMurtry created............ lol
If it is a FACT that McMurtry is gay..... and that is the first thing you use to describe what is probably the greatest writer this country EVER produced, I feel sorry for you and your obvious lack of mature intellect.

Using your logic, it will be OK for someone to say, "yea, D13r is a good hunter, too bad he is an uneducated idiot"......see, we can't prove that statement......but you are helping provide confirmation.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-07 AT 10:26AM (MST)[p]Yes, as a matter of fact I anyone in your family with a high school diploma?
If we took all the gays out of the entertainment industry all that would be left is Church wait,scratch that I forgot about Rev Haggard.

Maybe we'll just have to accept them, or move to Iran where they don't have any.
Man, I'm Glad I posted this Wholesome
Family Values, Feel Good Post.....

I'll be honored some day.

All B.S. aside, Let's watch it, and meet back
here for futher evaluation.

I need an Advil.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-07 AT 05:25PM (MST)[p]Yeah, I need to apologize for hacking up your post Larry.....and to Nickman for hitting a nerve. Sorry guys.


I wasn't talking to you, and if you ever
quite Hacking up my post's, I'll be a Pixxed of
Son of a Gun and will personally Whip your Cali'Azz


We Cool.
Much Cool'a than the Otha's.

Lrv :)
My favorite is "Dead Man's Walk".
Made me want to go spend a bunch of time in West Texas, actually see the country being written about.
I'm gonna try 'an tune in.

"I can't stand rude behaviour in a man... I won't tolerate it."

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