Comanche Moon Sucked!!!!!!!!


Long Time Member
Damn, I had to struggle to stay awake!
Touted as better than Lonesome Dove........not hardly. Disjointed and unimformative.
A waste of two hours.

The Republican debate was more fun.....but that was a work of fiction also.
Well I already knew it, You cant compete with Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Duvall. I did'nt think it was terrible, just hard to get into with all the commercials.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
It had guns and Indians. How bad could it be? Tommy Lee Jones and Duvall are TOUGH competition.
The book was ok. The cast was bad... If there hadn't been a lonesome dove the 3 other flicks never would have had a chance.
I agree. This one sucked bad...
I didn't think it was all that bad. Besides, you have only seen the first third of the production. I will reserve judgement until the entire mini-series has aired.

>I didn't think it was all
>that bad. Besides, you
>have only seen the first
>third of the production.
>I will reserve judgement until
>the entire mini-series has aired.

I agree. Besides, to expect this one to be as good/better than the original is unrealistic. How can they compare to Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Duvall? I say a 'medicore' western still knocks the snot out of ANY/ALL reality shows on TV!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I liked it ok, tonight is the next episode I think. I agree as there was just way too many commercails. They filmed a big part of the show right on the other side of Santa Fe and it was being spoken about as the next big western.I'm glad to have another western for sure, wished they would film more.I recieved two dvds of the same movie(Pirates part3)for Christmas and will be returning one. Did any of you see 3:10 to Yuma? I wanted to see it in the theatres but never did and am wondering if it's worth having?
Not as good as Lonesome Dove but better than David Arquette in Dead Man's Walk. The portrayal of the Comanche was the best, but when did Famous Shoes turn into Buffalo Hump? All I know is he better become more like Magua in tonight's episode.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
3:10 to Yuma is a very good show by todays standards. Hollyweird has forgotten how to make them like they used to. Russell Crowe as usual keeps the movie from being a waste.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I remember thinking the first episode of Lonesome Dove was just ok when I watched it the first time it was on. The end of the first episode got your attention and the rest of the movie held it.I doubt Comanche Moon has any chance of living up to Lonesome Dove. We already know the history of the main characters. We already know Gus and Call whip the comanches. We already know Gus didnt marry Clair. We know the ending. No big shocks for the main characters. This movie just fills in the blanks. The book covers alot of years. The movie is following the book pretty close . Remember how fragmented Lonesome Dove seemed going back and forth from Gus & Call to July Johnson. It all wrapped up nicely in the end. Poor kid playing Gus . I thought he got Gus's manerisims down pretty well. Lonesome Dove is my all time favorite. Deadmans Walk was aweful(good book) and I never could sit thru Streets of Larado. I think this one will turn out to be pretty entertaining. If it sticks to the book, its should pick up .Even a slow western is better than most other movies.
The book was stupid. Lonesome Dove was a good book but not a great book.

Comanche Moon the book, was silly, and unrealistic. Some of the stuff about the indian was obviously written by a guy that knew little about the old west.

Louis Lamour, now there is a guy that could write a western though his books were pretty predictable.
Much better tonight, I didn't care much for the parrot scene though.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Alot better show tonight . I laughed my arss off about the killer parot though , that was a bit of spagetti eh. The rest is starting to come to life with Lonesome Dove though Beats watching another start of American Idol , my wife and girls watched it and I'd hear em laughing every now abd then but I agree , a slow western is better than no western. Tommorrow should be pretty good I'm hoping...
Thought it was just great, compared to idol or watching the Dems lay out their plans on just how they are going to send this country into the biggest tailspin since the Carter administration. I say give em an emmy.
any western, even a bad one is better than any of the crap on t.v. I wish there was 30 more 2 hr nights left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second night was a little better but not by much. The Parrot was a little weird. It would be a lot more entertaining if they had Diane Lane back for an encore.
>Louis Lamour, now there is a
>guy that could write a
>western though his books were
>pretty predictable.

Uhhh, yeah, He wrote the exact same book over 170 times.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My thoughts exactly Roy. Louis Lamour is the most overrated western writer of all time. Now Zane Gray on the other hand I really like.

The parts with the parrot and the jaguar were both very lame, but if that is the way the book was written, then I guess they had to show it that way.

I agree with what was posted earlier that knowing already how most things are going to turn out really ramps down the dramma of the story.

Call me old fashion, but I like Louis Lamour even if the good guy always wins and gets the pretty girl in the end.
I'd also like to see Costner and Duvall team up on some more westerns. They just don't make nearly enough good westerns anymore.

Parrots ruled the world before man???

I watched the last half of last nights episode and thought it was pretty good. When is the next one on? I think I'll watch it too.
Haha. . .I guess Lonesome Dove was only 'good'. Thats why it won the Pulitzer. Louis Lamour. . . .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

>The book was stupid. Lonesome
>Dove was a good book
>but not a great book.
>Comanche Moon the book, was silly,
>and unrealistic. Some of
>the stuff about the indian
>was obviously written by a
>guy that knew little about
>the old west.
>Louis Lamour, now there is a
>guy that could write a
>western though his books were
>pretty predictable.
Okay I gave it 45 minutes Sunday and gave up. Then last night I am channel surfing and stop just in time to see the jaguar and the parrot. That's it for me, lame and disappointing.
Comanche Moon Sucked!!!!!!!!what an understatement. I realy like the attacking cattle. Made the parrot and jaguar scene look realistic.

>Louis Lamour, now there is a
>guy that could write a
>western though his books were
>pretty predictable.

Uhhh, yeah, He wrote the exact same book over 170 times.


UTROY, if you read all 170 there must be something you liked about them.
I read piles of Louis Lamour as a young teenager--those were the days and I enjoyed Comanche Moon, way better than most of the cr@p on tube (other than VS hockey games).
Well......ok. I guess it was by far the best western on tv tonight. It actually may be ok without the commercials....
>UTROY, if you read all 170
>there must be something you
>liked about them.

Didn't ever say I didn't like them. They are great fun and some good writing in some parts. It is just the same plot over and over and over again. "Last of the Breed" is by far his best IMHO. I also liked the Sackett series.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
All right, now that it is over, and I watched it all, I would say that it was very disappointing.

Main problems included the level of acting by several characters including Woodrow Coll, the rangers Indian tracker, Deets, and several others; a disjointed story; lack of suspense; and the introduction of many unnecessary characters at the cost of a true story line. For example, the main story line was supposed to be the Comanche war, but there was much too little of the Buffalo Hump story developed and instead we spend 10 minutes finding and dealing with a white girl who disappeared 20 years ago - then she drops out of the story again. And the entire Boston segment of the story was a total waste (although good for a few grins).

The only highlight of the production to me was the work of the actor depicting Gus. The original Gus was a very hard act to follow, but I think this guy did a very good job imitating the originals spirit, gestures, manner of speech, and turn of a phrase.

Overall I will try to forget all this back-story when I watch the original Lonesome Dove again because I think it actually detracts from what is a great original mini-series. For example, I think we are better off not knowing the details about what happened between Woodrow and Maggie.

Just my opinion.

"I despised you then for what you were, and I despise you now for what you're doing."
I agree Mark. Steve Zahn did a good job interpreting Duvall's original portrayal of Gus. You could see it coming through. I don't think Karl Urban's protrayal of Woodrow did though. He was too stiff and didn't study it out like Zahn did for Gus.

It is very hard to make a 600 page or so book into a theatrical production without leaving out many details. You can't really judge it on how it differs from the book. So your point is very valid. It was a disjointed story in the mini-series. It didn't make sense a lot of times. You had to have read the book to really understand it and fill in the gaps. I think they were counting on that too.

It was fun to watch but not great like the original. How can you beat Robert Duvall (Gus), Tommy Lee Jones (Woodrow), Danny Glover (Deets), Rick Schroder (Newt), Robert Ulrich (Jake Spoon), Diane Lane (Lorena), Angelica Houston (Clara Allen), Chris Cooper (July Johnson), Frederic Forrest (Blue Duck), DB Sweeny (Dish Bogget), Barrie Corbin (Roscoe Brown), Timothy Scott (Pea Eye); Steve Buscemi (Luke - one of the two men who end up in the wagon with July Johnson's wife Peach) and Matthew Hotsinpiller (calvary man - uncredited but a truly moving performance!)

I mean it was like the original Dream Team US Men's BBall team. There will never be another nearly as good nor famous. It stands as the quintessential western mini-series of our time. BAR NONE.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK Roy....Time to turn the tv off and play outside for a while...:)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-08 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]"Matthew Hotsinpiller (calvary man - uncredited but a truly moving performance!)"

Roy, Remind me who this was again?

You know - he was the guy in the blue uniform!! LOL

Like Bucksnort said - time to go play outside!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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