

Very Active Member
The other day I was thinking about colors and how they are being used to identify different groups and businesses. I have a few great examples.

Brown: "What can BROWN do for you?" UPS Truck guys took brown first thing.

Then Green became environmentally friendly. Thanks, now our kids will grow up thinking of a prius rather than a leaf to identify green.

Now the latest one I am noticing is Verison with RED. Red this and Red that.

I won't even start with what group of males are identified by pink.

I am sure that there are other examples but those are the ones that came to mind. Feel free to add to the list...

The homosexual community has a monopoly on all the colors with thier use of the rainbow. They're so over-the-top! HaHa

I know that white by definition is not a color but when I think of white and corporate america I think of Progressive Insurance and Flo. She is strangely sexy.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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