Colorado Unit 4 Pronghorn Info


New Member
I drew a Colorado Unit 4 rifle pronghorn tag. I've hunted this unit for deer a couple of times in the past and did see some antelope on public land, but it's been several years since I've been on the unit. Does anyone have any recent information on antelope on public land in Unit 4.

I'd also be interested to know if anyone has hunted that unit during the rifle hunt to see how crowded it gets.

Thanks much,
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-15 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]It can be pretty good if there's moisture. Had it 4 yrs ago in the height of the drought, turned it in. Every goat in the unit was on one irrigated hay field in the northern part of the unit as it had the only water. Doesnt look to be an issue this year. Not to crowded. Course ideally getting permission on the edge of town would be where a guy might shoot a better buck. All the car hits between Baggs and Craig you'd think they'd beg ya to clean a few out. Good luck!

P.S. A chipped gps differentiating between private and public would be handy.

Thanks for your response. The only significant public land I'm aware of that holds goats is the section of BLM and state land just south of the WY border and East of 13. Is that the only place for a public land hunter to try?

I'm planning to concentrate on that area. I deer hunted that area a couple of times a few years ago. I saw some goats, but not big numbers. I'm trying to decide if I stick to my plan to hunt public land or pursue trespass access to private land, but I'll probably have to pay for that.

What are your thoughts on that area for goat numbers, hunter numbers and chances of success?


Yep that's where I've hunted in the past. That hay field I spoke of in my first post is up there by the border in the middle of that public ground. A DPW officer told me it was a piece saved for the youth hunt, as it should be IMO. Bout 15 yrs ago a buddy and I got permission on a piece up there east of the public, which is where some of the goats went after opening day. There aren't that many tags given so crowding is generally not to big a problem. I think if your lookin to shoot a bigger buck the private ground on the north side of town (with a fee I suspect) will be your best bet. If your not that picky you'll find enough on the public ground without too much effort. The key to that unit is moisture.

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