Colorado sheep Tag unit 11



I beat the extreme odds and finally drew a Rocky mountain Bighorn tag..... WooHooooo....

I would welcome any and all info on this unit, This will be an outfitted hunt, so info on outfitters would be great...Ken.
Congratulations on the tag Ken!

Look no further than Joe Boucher of Horn Forked Guides 719-395-3665. He lives right in that area and is one of the best sheep guides in CO.
Congratulations Kman!
Unless you know sheep and the country they live in, going guided is a very good choice. Especially since 95% of the hunters on this site will never hunt Rocky Mt. Bighorns! It is pretty much a OIL experience for all of us, if we get even one chance.
I don't know Colorado outfits, so I can't comment on that. But
one thing I will say, having been guided for Rockys in Wyoming, take every opportunity to get everything out of the hunt you can. I had a chance to kill a decent ram the first night into sheep country and I passed, because I didn't want to cheat myself out of a real sheep hunting experience. Even after waiting 5 of the 10 days to kill my sheep, I still felt like I left too soon. A sheep hunt is so rare and special, do everything you can to make it that way. Get in shape...shoot a lot and get to know your gun well. Take lots of pictures, and even video if you have a chance.
Do your part and you will have an experience you will never forget.

Oh and be sure to share it with your friends on MM!
My daughter just phoned me and said she just saw a couple ewes and a couple nice rams just off I70! I asked why she didn't pull over a pop-a-cap on one with her 9mm and she said she didn't want to get her car trunk dirty. ha

Good luck hunting in Colorado to all you lucky guys who drew tags. It's going to be a Fall for you to remember.

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