I started putting in for S-34 in 92, drew a ewe tag that year and took a ewe. Drew a ram tag in 95 for S-34, if I had about a second and a half I would have killed a 185 ram. But his little buddy spotted me and blew the deal. It was the only chance I had at a big ram. I drew another ewe tag for S-34 in 98, I couldn't fill that one either. Then I drew S-32 in 2000. Opening day I had a ram 178-180 about 90yds away and had another hunter try to close in, BUSTED! I never could find him again, so when the full curl ram I killed got into range, I just had to. I knew he was about 165, but he is really a pretty ram. If I could figure out how to add a picture I would show him off, but I am horrible with computers. And now I have another ewe tag for S-34. I start for a ram tag next year if I bother, even archery tags are getting so hard to draw. But I would like another shot at Rampart S-34, I know it like the back of my hand.
Gselkhunter/ Gregg Stevens