Colorado Sheep Results

  • Thread starter BigSmoothSamPerkins
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I drew !!! I drew !!!! Did I tell you that I drew? yyyeeeesssss!!!!!! Finally !!!! wooooo hoooo !!!!!! Gary
After many years my father finally drew a sheep tag. He was diagnosed with cancer back in November and has been going thru chemo the last 6 months, he just finished his last treatment for now. Now he has to prepare himself for this tough hunt and believe it or not I drew a goat tag. What are the odds, I can't wait till this fall so we can enjoy these two once in a lifetime tags.
Congrats to you both Skeet. A wonderful time for the both of you is now in store for the next few months. Best of luck.
As a non-resident, this was my third year to apply. Next year I will finally be in the game in Colorado to draw a tag. Thankfully, the wife doesn't complain when I loan Colorado $1,600 for a couple of months.
No goat or sheep tags for me either. My wife was hoping that I wouldn't draw because she don't like to see me spend $150.00. Wait till I start applying out of state. Jovan
I drew a Ewe tag for S-34 1st season. I can't put in for a ram tag until 06, so I put in for grins because my friend put in for the ram tag. And He drew his ram tag also, so we can hunt together. This makes my 5th sheep tag in CO. 2 ram, 3 ewe. I have had a good run of drawing tags. But this one will be special, it is Shawn's first sheep tag. And I get to help him, this is going to be fun! Just for the record, I took a real pretty ram out of S-32 in 2000. A full curl that scored 164 7/8. I plan on using the same bow again.
Good luck GS. S-34 is the best trophy ram unit in the state. Should get to see some 180 + rams near Queens Canyon and around Garden of the God's. Good luck again.
gselkhntr, how many years has it taken to draw those sheep tags? That is some luck! I have 3 preference and 2 weighted now, soon I'll be in the running! I hope to draw a tag in Poudre canyon, Jeff
I started putting in for S-34 in 92, drew a ewe tag that year and took a ewe. Drew a ram tag in 95 for S-34, if I had about a second and a half I would have killed a 185 ram. But his little buddy spotted me and blew the deal. It was the only chance I had at a big ram. I drew another ewe tag for S-34 in 98, I couldn't fill that one either. Then I drew S-32 in 2000. Opening day I had a ram 178-180 about 90yds away and had another hunter try to close in, BUSTED! I never could find him again, so when the full curl ram I killed got into range, I just had to. I knew he was about 165, but he is really a pretty ram. If I could figure out how to add a picture I would show him off, but I am horrible with computers. And now I have another ewe tag for S-34. I start for a ram tag next year if I bother, even archery tags are getting so hard to draw. But I would like another shot at Rampart S-34, I know it like the back of my hand.
Gselkhunter/ Gregg Stevens

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