Colorado Sheep/Goat Posted


Very Active Member
Backdoor is open. No tag for me. Good luck!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
How did you figure that out? When I tried it did not show anything, just that I applied for deer, elk, and antelope. Never even showed that I had applied for sheep. moose, and goat.
Maybe I am doing it wrong.
Look at your preference points for sheep and goat. If you drew they went to zero if you have 3 or one more than you had in the case of 2 you didn't. You gotta wait for Desert. Moose not up yet.
You are correct they are up and I am a loser again and I know I have no chance for moose (drew last year). Boy did i want that goat tag.
I had my hopes up...after sitting in the sheep penalty box for five years after killing in 2004 I was up to 3-1...nope...dang
Now at 3 and 14...after giving up double digit points 17 years ago to switch to this wonderful new point system. Cant wait for the 3 and single digit guys to start posting... Glad I'm not BITTER at all ................
1 extra weighted point for me for sheep and goat. Dam I realy thought I had a chance at goat. Good luck to everyone else.
Hey I won
I won an extra point for both sheep & goat. :D
Maybe next year. At least I get to look forward to a nice refund check.

Just wanted to mention that their is another way to get "that" tag. The odds are really bad but just so often someone turns their tag in . You may be next in line and may get a call just prier to the opening. If Colorado division of wildlife shows up your caller ID , it might not be anther survey. It happened to me 3 years ago. All hope is never lost.

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