Colorado S47 Sheep Tag



Finally!!!! After 16 years of applying for a sheep tag, and helping several friends fill thier tags, I have finally drawn. Over the years I have tried for various units, mostly S9 and S61. S61 has always been considered a great draw, and I have assisted two friends with their successful hunts in the area. Not to mention the great deer and antelope I have taken. However, I personally have seen S61 decline over the years (this year they will begin the live fire exercises on mock villages), and the private land owners in the bottom of the Purgatory seem to patrol half way up on the canyon wall, yelling, honking and cussing at everyone they see?? I am not sure whats up with S9(?) but according to the DOW web page there were only 8 rams taken out of the unit in 04, about 20%. I am very familiar with S9 and have also seen several great rams taken out of there, but after talking with some of the hunters last year and alot of friends, I did not want to chance drawing a tag with the limits success lately. I have always wanted a licence in S47 and it's one of the hardest units in the State to draw (odds).. Anyway, if anyone has any stories or photos from S47, or a tag for S61 or S9, I would really appreciate and be happy share some info.
Big time sleeper unit. Great tag to have. The sheep auction tag winner, Dan Larkin, killed a great ram a few years back. Ask SandBrew to hook you up with him, I think he is involved pretty heavily with Colorado sheep and CDOW ? I have hunted 57/58 for elk and deer which is basically sheep unit 47. Good luck on your hunt. Should be a slam dunk.
LAST EDITED ON May-07-05 AT 09:19AM (MST)[p]Congrats on a great tag!

Sam has it partly correct. Dan was the lucky dog that won the raffle tag. He is currently on the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society Board of Directors and volunteers with the CDOW. I'm sure if you post a message on Dan will respond.

Also, there is some info on upcoming ground counts for sheep in S9 we'd love to have some more volunteers. Don't forget to sign up to be a member of the RMBS.

One more thing not to miss.....the RMBS and CDOW hosts a FREE sheep and goat Hunter Oreintation every year. This year it's July 9th in Denver.

I appreciate the response and info. I just joined RMBS and posted the same message. I look forward to hearing from Dan (and others) and possibly seeing pictures of his ram.

Congratulations on drawing the tag! There are some good rams in 47.

Here is a photo of a ram that I was fortunate enough to take out of unit 47 in '99. I saw some great rams scouting during the summer and there was a nice ram (37") with this one opening morning but another hunter claimed him a couple of minutes before I got to them.

I'll send you an email with my contact info in it. You're going to have fun this fall.

Way to go,

Stryker -
Congrats on the tag. It's gonna be a long summer! :)
Good luck with the planning and the hunt. Keep us posted.


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