Colorado S-64



Hello. New to the forum here, visited a few times but just now registered. I heard thru a friend that the desert sheep tag holder in S-64 visits this site frequently. I have some video of a 168 - 170 class ram that I have been following for the past few months, might be able to trade some information and help a fellow sheep hunter out. Send me a private message and we'll talk. Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-04 AT 09:29PM (MST)[p]Maybe it's someone pulling your leg.

I asked around and didn't have any luck with anyone I talked to knowing the name. I just sent an email to a former DOW guy and fellow sheep freak who lives in the Montrose area.....I'll let you know what I hear.

i bet it's cass

It is his '1post' so he aint been around very long like alot of us. Be carefull on this one Buckspy......
Its possible some one could be yanking my chain, but I doubt it. The email address must be valid because it didn't get returned. Bottom line is I will still be down there with a tag in hand and will still kill a nice ram, but if this pans out, I will be grateful. Its a special tag and a wonderful opportunity and I feel blessed beyond belief to be able to go hunt a desert in my home state. I just want to kill the biggest and OLDEST ram in the herd. Glass until your eyeballs fall out searching for "The Curl." Its the essence of sheep hunting.
I certainly didn't mean to imply ColoradoBighorn wasn't the real deal......only that BUCKSPY could be on the wrong end of a Utard joke.

ColoradoBighorn is new here and he might not get some of the Cass or Utard jokes but it's all in good fun.

Good luck!

Kill a whopper.

Yeah a Co. resident wouldnt be smart enough to come up with something that good.
Just Kiddin you thin skinned Co. residents. Dont get all pissed and start mailing this utards inbox.
Good luck again BUCKSPY!! Wish this sheep whore was setting on a point glassing for you instead of pretending to be working!
Sorry I didn't respond to this post sooner. Yes I am a real person and yes I do have footage of a large ram in the Dolores unit and two large rams in the Escalante area in S-62. I know a few people on this board and I have visited here a few times over the years. I sent BUCKSPY a private message explaining why I have not replied to him. John I have met you a few times and I'm sure you don't remember me with all the people you meet. I am not what you would call a professional trophy hunter, which seems to dominate this site. I am just a sheep crazy person who enjoys viewing and filming wild sheep as much as hunting them. Sorry if I offended anyone or came across as a phony. I hope to make some new friends on this site.

Sorry, I don't remember meeting you are but you are right I do talk to a ton of folks about sheep all over Colo. You think I'd remember a sheep nut like yourself but I'm sorry I don't.

Refresh my fading memory...maybe I've been testing to much of my own product. Shoot me and email at [email protected]. I'd love to see some pictures of the big rams you've seen in s64. There is some talk of a die off and I'd love to have some proof of older rams in S64.

You didn't come off as phony as much as mysterious. You show up with video of a big ram then disappear as fast as you show up only giving few clues. I asked around of some of folks on the west slope who spend a bunch of time looking after the S64 and S62 sheep and no one could place you. You're kind of like a phantom ram who shows himself before and after the hunting season but never during.

Buckspy is not a bad guy despite what some here might say. He may have made more than a few folks mad with his harsh bedside manner and dry humor.....he just calls them as he see them.

Shoot me an email so we can chat.


[email protected]

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