Colorado Ram



Back already from my 2008 S-15 Colorado sheep hunt. Similar to another experience a long time ago it involved much anticipation and was over way to quick, but is something that I will never forget. We packed in with horses on Friday, settled into camp and scouted during the evening for the opener on Sat morning. Saw a bunch of rams in the evening and was looking forward to opening day. The morning came quick and another group of hunters was set up where we wanted to be when the sun came up so we looked elsewhere and found small rams. After lunch we went back out and spotted some ewes and small rams. Around 3:30 we left the area we were glassing to look over a nice little area that we saw good rams in the previous evening when we stumbled into a group of 8 rams at 100 yards. They started running and stopped when Mike whistled, however the big one was standing in front of a small ram so I couldn't shoot. When they started running again the big one took the lead and gave me a clear shot and it was over. The DOW folks in Durango aged him at 10 yrs old, now it is back to work and dreaming of the day when it will happen again.





Beautiful ram!!! I'd have a big smile on my face too --- way to go! Now if I can only draw a desert sheep tag while I can still walk (LOL) ...

It would be hard to pass on a ram like that, just to extend your hunt. I missed a long shot on a ram the second day of my bighorn hunt in Wyoming and I was glad I did, just so I could extend my hunt. I still only got 5 days of my 10 day hunt before I connected, but it was nice to hunt those extra days. Sheep hunts come along so seldom that it would be nice if they could last longer. Anyway, great ram!
How many preference points did you have to draw that sheep tag?
That's a great ram - to bad your hunt didn't last longer, but there's no way to pass on a ram like that.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Believe it or not I only had the mandatory 3 points plus an additional 2 going into the draw. Now I have to wait 5 years before I can even apply again...with the 3 years of applying that don't mean anything that puts me at year 9 before I even have a chance of drawing there again. The dream is free I guess...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-08 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]Look like things worked out. Conglads on a dandy ram.

Wished you would have called when you were in Durango-----we could celebrated a little. CB
Great looking country and one dandy Ram Down.

Did ya see many nice bull elk in your short hunt time ?


CB, I would have loved to celebrate...a lot, but I had to get that head and cape in my freezer. I spent at least an hour checking him in at the DOW office in Durango, I think the only thing they didn't do there was take a sample of my DNA, pretty thorough process. I saw elk every day and heard a few bulls in the evenings. Most of the elk spotted were cows, but I did see a group of 5 bulls with one big guy in the bunch. Saw a few mulies too, with a couple being nice bucks. If you head out there for elk I don't think that you will have a problem seeing a few to chase.
Thanks for the compliments on the ram guys! I went with Mike Ray of Lobo Outfitters. Great guy, with an unbelieveable amount of knowledge of the area and of the sheep in the unit. I would still be there packing out if I did it on foot.
Those pictures are amazing. Its nice to see that he isn't too broomed off being so old. Congrats.
GREAT RAM! I am jealous! I hit S44 bow rams hard and barely got one shot - 5 yards matters when judging distance with bow! Darn.

Congrats on a great ram. Never feel short changed changed cuz the hunt was short. Too many times I have spent the whole hunt and just never got'er done, but luckily never with sheep.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Kilbuc, I hear what you are saying. I just don't know what to do with the 67 days of vacation I have on the books now...any ideas? A good buddy of mine drew a once in a lifetime elk tag in ND and has hunted HARD for 7 days without seeing a bull, so it can always go the other way. That is why it is called hunting I guess and not killing.

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