Colorado Ram



Thought I'd post some pics of the ram that I was able to take last thursday. Luckily he presented me with plenty of opportunity. You could say I got a little excited. He is an old bugger. Bluehair & Buckspy were right when he aged him from photos that I posted here from my scouting trips. The DOW aged him at 10 1/2. He only had two teeth left in the front of his mouth and I don't think it is because he did a forty foot nose dive off of a cliff. He's just old.
He has a torn ear that looks like he could have had an ear tag in it. A local guy that knows the sheep in the unit that I hunted said that he thought the torn ear was from an ear tag and that the last time the DOW tagged any sheep in that unit was 13 years ago. I don't quite believe this ram is 13, but I do believe that he would have possibly winter killed without the choppers.
I hope you enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed the scouting this summer and the Hunt. Truly the hunt of my life to this point. More to come I'm sure.

Sorry about the crime scene looking photos below. You can actually see his one tooth in the bottom photo.


Congratulation on a beautiful Colorado ram! All them hard miles and serious scouting were all worth it weren't they?
Nice pictures and a great Ram too. Was that small evergreen tree there what kept him from going on further down that hillside?? Doesn't look like anything else around there to stop him or you from taking a nice long slide down hill.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-04 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]Thanks for all of the nice comments guys. Yes, DK the miles and the scouting trips were definitely worth it. Not only did I get to harvest a great Ram, I got to enjoy alot of great country all summer long.
Kilowatt, the answer is yes on the tree keeping him there to take photos. I tried to get him to his belly to get some nice photos but as you said he kept sliding downhill. After the 40 foot header off of the cliff, he tumbled about 125 yards down the mountain before stopping.
Gonehunting, my unexperienced measuring skills have him scoring 153 3/8.
Great looking ram! You should be very proud of a fine ram. A broomed-off old nut-dragger with character. I like it!

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