Colorado Parks and Wildlife News Reslease


Long Time Member
Seen this posted over in the Colorado forum and its not all that great of news to share but know there is bunch of you all that will be interested. Lets hope for some warmer temps.

CPW News Release

Colorado Parks and Wildlife monitoring severe winter conditions, impacts to wildlife a concern


Mike Porras
Colorado Parks and Wildlife monitoring severe winter conditions, impacts to wildlife a concern

MEEKER, Colo. - Colorado Parks and Wildlife managers in the state's Northwest Region say the most recent blast of snow and frigid temperatures has created conditions similar to some of the most extreme winters in the state during the past 35 years. With temperatures dropping well below zero and deep, powdered snow drifts layered over crust limiting big game's access to available forage, CPW officials say conditions could lead to increased wildlife mortality in portions of the region unless the weather moderates significantly.

The area experiencing the most severe impacts includes Moffat, Routt and Rio Blanco counties. Eagle, Garfield and Jackson counties have developed severe winter conditions more recently and managers in Grand and Summit counties are also expressing concern.

"I've just returned from a tour of the area and based on what I saw, we will likely see some significant impacts to wildlife," said CPW Regional Manager Ron Velarde. "But people need to understand that, despite how damaging conditions are right now, wildlife has been experiencing and surviving severe weather for eons without human intervention, so it's important to have the proper perspective."

Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Northwest Region is home to moose, mule deer, greater sage-grouse, elk, pronghorn and many other species that may be affected; however, the impact to the mule deer population is a specific concern. Over the last decade, the species has seen a continued drop in numbers in parts of Colorado and across the Western United States due to a variety of factors.

Wildlife officials say that many species, especially deer, were in excellent physical condition heading into winter due to good moisture and the subsequent abundance of summer forage, and Western Colorado had been experiencing mild winter conditions until just before Christmas. In addition, CPW's multi-faceted mule deer management program has been yielding positive results. Although their overall numbers are well below objective, survival rates of adult and fawn mule deer in northwestern Colorado have been very high during the last few mild winters.

Nevertheless a drop in numbers where winter conditions are the most severe is expected this year.

According to Area Wildlife Manager Bill de Vergie of Meeker, the severe winter has led to numerous reports of conflicts, primarily elk and deer entering private land and causing damage to haystacks and utilizing cattle feed lines.

"All we can do is respond as best we can on a case-by-case basis while nature takes its course," he said. "We can usually influence many of the threats to deer populations using a variety of management actions, but we have no control over weather. In fact it has been the the absence of severe winters and drought that has allowed the deer to obtain good health prior to this winter."

Although wildlife managers are using limited amounts of hay and other types of feed to bait wildlife away from livestock feed grounds on private property, the agency has received numerous inquiries from the public suggesting that a large-scale feeding program be implemented to address potential starvation.

"By policy, certain conditions have to be met before an emergency feeding program can be considered and we are not there yet," said Velarde. "But what is very important for the public to understand is that, although we may see short term effects from feeding, our experience has shown that it has had limited long-term benefits overall."

Velarde adds that feeding operations in areas where chronic wasting disease has been detected, including many areas within the Northwest Region, can only be approved by the CPW Commission. It limits emergency winter feeding for mule deer to those areas where winter mortality of adult female deer is expected to exceed 30 percent.

According to Senior Terrestrial Biologist Brad Petch, the agency is monitoring adult doe and fawn survival with several hundred radio-collars. In addition, CPW personnel are conducting extensive visual observations of herds and inspections of carcasses to determine body condition and cause of death. Based on current observations, mortality is less than 10 percent.

"That percentage can certainly change quickly under such conditions," said Petch. "Our personnel are keeping a very close watch on conditions and mortality, and we will continue to do so through the rest of the winter."

Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds the public that feeding wildlife at any time can be very detrimental to their long-term survival, in addition to being illegal. Some non-natural foods can lead to severe digestive ailments that can cause death in ungulates like mule deer and elk. Feeding concentrates wildlife, increasing the likelihood of disease transmission. In addition, it can lead to a dependency on human-provided foods, change natural migration patterns and attract predators.

"We understand that people want to help in situations like these," said Velarde. "But feeding should only be done by professionals, if it's done at all. If people take matters into their own hands, it will likely do more harm than good, leading to wildlife deaths, and can also result in citations and fines."

Velarde adds that the most effective way for people to help wildlife stressed by winter conditions is to limit activities on winter ranges, where deer and elk are finding shelter and foraging for what food remains available. Human-caused disturbance leads wildlife to expend critical energy necessary for survival during the coldest time of the year, he said.

To learn more about mule deer and Colorado's effort to address their decline, see Colorado's West Slope Mule Deer Strategy.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
It's always amazed me How Colorado Deer Herds can make it through more Severe Winters with Less Casualties than Utah's Deer Herd!

Then You Think about it:

Utah's average Body Size of Average Deer Are DINKS/PISSCUTTERS compared to what they were back in the Day!

No I'm not a Biologist!

No I Don't Have the FAKE Science for NeMont!

Just The HARD COLD Truth!

Bigger Deer are gonna Be Stronger than these PISSCUTTERS of Today!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-16 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]""Although wildlife managers are using limited amounts of hay and other types of feed to bait wildlife away from livestock feed grounds on private property, the agency has received numerous inquiries from the public suggesting that a large-scale feeding program be implemented to address potential starvation.

"By policy, certain conditions have to be met before an emergency feeding program can be considered and we are not there yet," said Velarde. ""

I do not understand this logic nor the statement.

We are told, by professionally trained biologists that, if your going to "feed" deer, you need to start early in the winter and stay with it throughout the entire cold/freezing/snow period. 's very often deadly to start feeding deer in the middle of the winter, after deer have been without natural feed for an extended period of time. Now, Colorado, in the middle of February, six or seven weeks from the start of spring thaw/green up, say, "we are not there yet".

So.......which is it?

Can deer be feed "limited amounts of hay and other types of feed" late in the winter?


Are the claims that, "you'll kill deer by feeding them, if you don't start feeding them well before they are suffering from severe winter conditions", incorrect?


As I come to believe, over the last 30 years of study and observation, NOBODY has a clue about much of anything, when it comes to managing and growing mule deer. Compared to whitetail deer, very little, reproducible, verifiable, scientific research as been done and most all mule deer science is empirical at best and/or repeated and reiterated rumor. Hardly better than the lay mule deer hunter with a watchful and discerning mind.

Disgusting, after all these years. And.......this is not an indictment of the folk running things in the great State of Colorado alone, there is equal blame to be shared by all Western States and the Wildlife Departments at the all State's Universities and Colleges, where theses kinds of studies should have been funded and done, decades ago.

In these modern times we have mind blowing technology. But we haven't figured out how to keep Deer from starving to death in a hard winter. I really don't think it's rocket science. I would be willing to show our wildlife professionals how it is done.
There is no doubt in my mind that supplemental feeding can be done with success and can also cause harm. There has to be some sort of balance. If you took a deer who has been on the winter range and dropping weight and has had 2 months since a full belly, then dumped in a bunch of good feed there is a shock to the system. Much the same as taking a starving kid in Africa and giving a pile of quarter pounders with cheese. There is something to be for going from very poor quality and small amounts of food to a high quality food in surplus. I am not sure how you can control which animals eat little and which ones eat a bunch etc.

As mentioned it seems like a very contradictory position and ultimately the reason why we will consider to our herds decline in harsh conditions.

On the flip side they are feeding "baiting animals" away from the ranchers feed on private by providing feed. Would this not cause an issue for the animals?

Lastly, public feeding and baiting is hard for me to support. This winter we have seen a moose that had been baited into a back yard repeatedly get stuck in a swing in that yard, earlier this year a group of bears were put down because a lady in Durango area kept feeding them, I saw a video from about 2 weeks ago of a lady hand feeding mule deer donuts, etc. It is scary to think about all the idiots who would start feeding animals and what they might actually call food.

Luckily we have a good 2 week outlook in the forces that will help. But As mentioned we still have about 7 weeks of danger.

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