Colorado Non Res Sheep



LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-05 AT 01:05PM (MST)[p]I was looking on the Colorado site and was having some troubles finding statistical information. I think I got it now.

It looks like if you have the max pref points you are in otherwise you have to wait till all the guys with max points draw?


LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-05 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]No, you just have to have 3 preference points and then you're in. Once you have 3 points, you are eligible to draw. When you send your application in (once you have 3 preference points), you are given a random number. Those with the lowest numbers draw the tags.

The weighted points just divide the random number you are given. For example, if you have 3 points and 1 weighted point, then the random number you are given is divided by 2 (weighted points + 1). This makes your assigned random number smaller.

You can have 3 preference points and 0 weighted points, and still get lucky and be assigned a small number and so draw the tag.
Droptine, I get it, I just can't remember it, or all the stuff for all of the states. Help, I need a consultant!?!?!? Just kidding, however I can see why people without the time/and or perserverance pay someone to apply for them.

Weighted points, yes I believe I have the max of those. I was mixing preference points and weighted points.

I need to stop drinking coffee

Looking at the odds again, for say s32s archery is 1 in 80, not figuring in the weighted points. And 1 in 200 for rifle, not figuring in the weighted points.

I have 2 weighted points, not 3. So, I appear to be in the middle as far as having weighted points.

So, basically I have a 1 in 80 shot at an archery tag or 1 in 200, which is not good.

But we are talking sheep tags here....

I drew a sheep tag last year where the odds were 1,377 to 1. So it does happen, but you've got to apply in order to have a shot.

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